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Identify that boiler


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Sorry that this is vague.......

Did some work on the heating system when we were over in September and when I had finished it was working. Some friends went over a couple of weeks ago and whilst the boiler was heating the domestic water the rad nearest the boiler got warm but those further were not. so my thoughts are the pump. Unfortunately, I do not have any paperwork to do with the boiler in the UK so thought I would ask a few questions here so I know what to do to get at the pump etc. (over this weekend)

Do not know what model it is  but - it is a Deitrich boiler about 1.6m / 5' tall 0.6m/2' wide and 1m/3' deep and yellow and white in colour. At the front at the top (which slopes) is a flap and under here on the left is the control for temp of the hot water and on the right the control for the temp of the heating. The temp shows as red leds.

If anyone recognises it where is the pump and how do you get to it.



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Thanks for the replies and the weblink - identified what boiler it is - shame they did not put any installation info on there.

Cat, how girly do you think I felt - it is white and yellow!

Obviously, I am hoping that it is air and that is the first thing that I will do when we arrive at the house at midnight on Thursday.

I will also check the settings but, apart from changing the temps nothing else has been changed since last winter.

I was also trying to gen up a bit on the inside of the boiler to locate the pump quickly.

Many thanks


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Sounds like a GTU model, the pump will be in the hydraulic module, a black box mounted in the flow and return pipework at the back and above the boiler

If there is no hydraulic module the pump will be mounted in the pipework adjacent to the boiler

De Deitrich are excellent boilers

Le Plombier

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The boiler sounds like a GTU model, the pump will not be inside the boiler, it will be inside the hydraulic module which is  a black box in the pipework behind and slightly above the boiler. If there is no hydraulic module it will be mounted in the pipework somewhere close to the boiler

It may just be that the pump is stuck if it has not been turned on for a long time, it is quite easy to check that it is freely rotating by turning the pump shaft, accessed by removing the small cover plate on top of the motor

You have an excellent boiler there, not cheap but the best

Le Plombier

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Thanks for the replies.

Will admit I have not taken to much notice of the boiler installation - there when we bought the house. Cannot remember seeing a pump so thought it might be internal.

If it is inside the hydraulic module would it be the same as a common or garden UK pump? If so I could buy one here and take it with me so that I do it straight away.

And I do need to rig up a timer so that it runs for a few minutes each week just so that the pump does not get stuck when we are not there especially when the frost stat says it is a bit cold it is then you want everything to work.

Glad to know they are good boilers - have to admit I have never seen them in the UK and as they do not seem to have a UK distributor presume that they do not sell them in the UK.


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Any good French heating and plumbing merchant will have a replacement in stock

Take the details of the pump, Maker, Model No. etc and you should get an exact replacement

Pumps normally only stick after a long period of non use, e.g. the summer

A pump not running for a couple of weeks should make no difference

Le Plombier

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