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Placo walls before floor tiling or vice-versa?


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I have to line the existing stone walls of our house with rails and placo-plastre, to insulate, hide the gaine etc. I also have to lay new tiling over the old, existing floors. The question is, which do I do first?

If I tile first, I don't have to have a tidy edge to the tiling, as the new wall will hide it. I also have a nice flat surface to build the ossature on. On the other hand, if the walls go up first, the tiles will hide any gaps between the bottom rails and the floor, plus I can fit the plinth tiles (skirting) immediately.

Any recommendations, please?

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I normally dryline and tape and joint, and paint the room. I then tile floor and install the plynth.  Otherwise you risk paint on new soft grout. Not saying it is the right way but it works for me. Also no risk of cracking times where you screw down rails and you can in theory replace craked tiles
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Thanks Nickel, Anton and Raindog.

I tend to agree with the idea of tiling last - it seems a decorative thing, like laying a carpet. So I'll do enough of the walling to let the tiler do his work, and finish them later (can't move in till the tiling is done, hence the question...)

Thanks for the responses.

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  • 1 month later...
Richard & Tracy, sorry I've not responded before, I've been a bit busy.

The tiler has now finished. He laid a 5cm slab (chape) over the existing tiles (old and uneven), then laid new floor tiles directly onto it while still wet. Once dry, he came back and grouted it. Around 80 square metres, at a unit price of 33 Euro per square metre for everything.

I think it was a very reasonable price (and the workmanship was excellent).


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