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Removing paraffin stains from oak floorboards


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OH, this morning, for reasons which are totally beyond me, but best to stop now .... decided to fill up our paraffin heater indoors, in the kitchen with the solid oak floorboards, instead of outdoors as normal.    Let's just say he had a little accident.    It's a mess.   So far I have tried neat washing up liquid, soapy water, javel, all to no avail, albeit the floor is very clean now !

I admit I may well have made it worse, but whatever I do, when the floor dries those big splodges of paraffin stains are still there.   Any ideas anyone?   Oh, apart from kill OH, who has decided that best tactics are to go as far away as he can from the house for a couple of hours .

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How about this, blotting paper and a hot iron.  Put 2 or 3 layers of blotting paper (I assume you can still get this) over the stain then apply the hot iron.  The heat boils off the volatile oils in the stain which are then absorbed by the paper.  Works for other oil or grease stains.  Best to try on a small unobtrusive bit first though
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Actually, thank you all for responding, but strangely the strains have diminished !!!    I know it sounds a little demented, but overnight they kind of faded out, in the majority.    Now there are only a couple left along the 'joins' of the boards, and I am waiting to see if they dry out as well.   Mind you, I have been a bit nervous about smoking since it happened.

I will see how it goes, and if necessary OH can pay penance by lightly sanding down and re-staining (not sure that they were ever stained actually).

Anyway, panic over, but thank you for trying to help.   See, chinese proverb say 'procrastination, sometimes a good thing'.   Well, OK I made it up, but it does seem to have sorted itself to a certain extent.

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