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Water bill


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I have just received my first 12 month bill from Saur.

The bill includes


Which I believe is for "Control of Fosse Septique"


Which I believe is for the water purification?

Can anyone explain what the "Control of Fosse Septique" is and the purification.

I take it these charges are annual?



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Hi Steve


We pay ours separately to the water bill (SAUR) .

An organisation called SBVL (local to the Lot) is responsible for checking the Fosse septique and its outflow (assainissement).

They check it's general state , ventilation , accessability , and the purity of the outflow.They are also supposed to check the state of the interior if its a toute eaux , which mine is but I know the cover has never been removed.

The charge for both last year was 15,83E.

Yours seems a little on the high side for 1 year.

Did I see you in Cardiff   May 2001 ??

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Thanks for your reply,

Which area is your house in?

I am guessing the expenes is due to the fact that we had the Fosse installed last year and the cost is for the initial survey to confirm that it meets the requirements demanded.

I will contact them again and check.

I take it this has to be done annually?

You probably did see me at Cardiff, off to Madrid next month on our eurpoean tour. Just shows you what a difference that game made to our clubs fortunes. Looks like a tough year for you.



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What you've received is an invoice for verifying (contrôle) as northender points out that the functionality and condition of your fosse septique complies with the norms.

This is a legal requirement for all properties not connected to main drains. The contractor appointed to do the work, in your case SAUR and incidentially in ours also, will issue a certificate of conformity or advice for rectifying any points of non compliance.

This inspection will be carried out evert four years so it's not an annual charge. As more people become aware of this legal requirement it is likely that potential purchasers will look on this certificate in the same way that they do for those for termited etc.

ps why don't you add your location to your personal details so that others have an idea where you are?

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Hi Steve

We are near to Puy L' Eveque in the Lot (46) still a holiday home after 16 years.

We had our Fosse Septique installed about 7 years ago before the regulations changed.We did'nt even need any planning consent , it was  a case of "just go ahead and do it" how things have changed.

I thought the inspection takes place every year and we get billed around December , having said that not received the one for last year yet.

Good luck on your foreign travels I'll be thinking of you when I go to Colchester , Scunthorpe , Stoke ---- Oh no where's that whiskey bottle!!!!

Just seen the post from Benjamin.

Think he may be correct about the 4 year inspection , just looked at my last bill again , it says something about every 4 years , but the charge is spread over the 4 year period .

In my case it is 15 euros plus TVA at 5.5% x 4  =  63.32 Euros over the 4 years. ie. 15.83 euros each year

Maybe they've billed you for the whole 4 years??

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