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Moving to France buying B &B or House with Gites

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My self and partner are looking to buy a B & B or house with 1/2 gites up to 200.000E  We are looking for something ready to move into not to renovate, is this possible on our budget? And would we be able to earn a living doing this? Looking forward to your responses and if anyone is selling suc a place please contact me.


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Hi and welcome to the forum.  You have not stated what part of France to intend to purchase your property in.  It is swings and roundabouts really.  I dont think your budget to stretch to purchasing in the more touristy areas where you can command a higher rate and enjoy a higher demand.  However, you may be able to purchase something in a lesser known area but then, the demand will be lower meaning more advertising fees and of course a lower rate.

I was very surprised at property prices in France.  One minute you could purchase a castle for little more than a pound, next thing they are asking an arm and a leg for a garage.

Flanny, have you looked at property prices on the websites?

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I would carry out extensive research before deciding to buy a French gite/b&b business.  In recent years this market has become somewhat over saturated in certain regions. If you do take the plunge then I recommend differentiating yourself from the 1000s of  similar businesses already operating in France. 


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Hi Steve,

Thanks for your comments all are valued, we are really only looking for this type of property to supplement our living expenses, we do not want a large gite complex, as I stated just enough to live a peaceful life in the countryside. [:)]

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buy a place that has already been run as gites otherwise no matter where you decide to live all you are doing is adding another property to the already heavily oversubscribed adverts / websites etc.


many people begin  wanting  a gite as little income to supplement pensions etc- but with rising costs of living / taxes and advertising & maintainnece costs soon realise that they actually should have a more businesslike approach.


on the plus side it can be fun !

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Hi Steve,

Do you run a gite? I have been looking at property in Brittany, as a possible location, also seen a 5 bed hse with possiblity of doing b &b near Dinan.  Any ideas suggestions from anyone are welcome, or if you know of a up and running gite e.mail me.

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You might be better buying one large house for B&B, doubt you will get an up and running decent sized B&B for your budget.

Or buy 2 or 3 properties, renting one out and try looking for another to make a gite or a to do a few rooms for B&B.

There is a 7bed property in Brittany on our site that looks well, see link below, with enough to buy another to let out, there is a million and one B&B/gite there tho, Angouleme start flights next year from the UK, might be worth while looking around that area.



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Hi Lee,

Thanks for your reply looked at the link, looking for something with more garden area and would not want a property directly onto a main road!

Never thought it would be so difficult to try and search for properties on the net! ALSO ITS FINDING THE TIME TO VISIT!!!!!

There must be something in my price range out there!!!!

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I don't know the property so don't know how busy the road is but that doesn't look like a main road, may be wrong.

We used to live on a main road, not quite a RN road but nearly one, it wasn't so bad, it wasn't like the A1, far from it, it was set back a fair bit from the road tho.

Compromise or you will never find anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. Flanny,

               My gang are moving to Ernee in dept 53,the prices are good and Domfront is about 20 minutes,as are Fougere, Mayenne, etc, we are looking forward to exploring with our old friends who moved in february.We got a fermette in good order for the price of a terraced cottage in wales.'Love to discuss it further ........

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