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Laminate Floor in Corridor

Anton Redman

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Klic Klac style floor. Instructions say lay with joints perdendicular to window / light source. Great except corridor does not have a light source. Which way round would you lay it across the corridor or down the length of the corridor ? Corridor is 12 metres long.

Second problem. One reinforced concrete beams in theory level with floor in practice about 2.5 mm above floor on one side. Current idea is to sand down  a 250 mm wide strip of wood into a ramp to cover the slope. Any better ideas ?

Just going back to scrape, chissel, pull the last 8 carpet tiles which appear to have been glued down with aerodite mixed with superglue.


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Definitely joints going along the corridor. The reason for "perpendicular to light source" is that it looks best (minimises shadows due to slight depth mismatches). IMHO having the boardsrunning across rather than along the corridor would lookugly. It would almos certainly take much more effort, too.

As I read it the  2.5 mm step runs the length of the corridor. You could either lay a hardboard underlay on the low area or consider getting some of the flooring planed down, depending on how thick it is. I'd go for the first one: Hardboard is cheap and the end result would almost certainly look better than a 'ramp', which would be harder to do consistently.

If the beam runs across at some point then the ramp sounds more feasible, but I'd still try to avoid it. I had a similar problem where two rooms had been knocked together and  it both looked bad and felt wrong underfoot.

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