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Tips on finding a buyer for my renovated water mill

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Although I am now familiar with the buying process here in France (being a buy-to-let landlord) I have never sold a property before now.  Estate agaents charge such enormous fees that I feel it would be both in my and a buyers interest if we could cut out the middleman as it were.

I have put together a website (in my signature) - but now what? There seems to be many options.

I would be interested to hear of other peoples experiences and advice.  My house is between Toulouse and Carcassonne if that makes a difference.

Many thanks,


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Don't mean to be picky and it may just be me but without studying the photos it's not immediately clear if what's for sale is the white house, the brown one, or both which I do see is actually the case.

Nice house anyway and good luck.


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