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Staircase in need of a face lift


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I have an old staircase which has been neglected for 30+ years.

Could somebody with the relevant know how tll me what products it would benefit from.  I imagine it will need some kind of nourishing treatment and then some kind of stain to give it a new lease of life... but I'm not sure which.  Are there special stains for stairs and floorboards which are tough wearing and non slip?

I also have a newly laid pine floor which I want to stain, so I'll use whatever is recommended for the stairs on that as well.

I've treated and stained plenty of wood in my time ... but never floors/staircases.

Thanks [:)]

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I would love to know the answer as well.  In my case, I have brand new wooden stairs installed.  I am really worried about the stairs being non slip because I have 4 children going up and down every day.  I've seen someone with external stairs nail chicken-run-type wire onto the treads but you can't do that with internal stairs.



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Let me know if anyone finds a shop that sells this stuff...

It is eactly what I have been looking for and all the shops had no idea what I was talking about... okay, I was asking for anti-slip paint.

anyway... at worst there are a lot of online suppliers..

thanks for the correct name.


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