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How long does the CU last?

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This is my first post as I am going to Normandy next week to try and find some land with the CU already in place. The problem is that I did not want to build on the land straight away and was originally going to build in 10 years or so for my retirement.

After some research, I have realised that the CU has to be renewed each year. Does anyone have any experience in not building on their land for several years after purchase and managing to keep on renewing the CU.

My other thought was to perhaps start the build and again wondered if the house was half built could the local marie take away the CU after a certain amount of time.

Thanks in advance.

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A CU can only be renewed once.

If you get the detailed permission of a Permis de Construire , you can take as long as you like completing the work, as long as there is some progress each year. If you search the forum you will find at least one example of someone who bought land with a CU in place only to let it lapse, and find themselves with a field with no prospect of being able to build anything.


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