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Why do you want to buy in France? Why did you buy in France?

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Hi there
I hope I'm posting this in the appropriate place, if not please let me know!
I am currently undertaking some research about why people want to buy property in France (or why they bought in France) and wondered if you could possibly spare two minutes please either to post in response to this message or to PM me! A lot of research exists on other countries but its really hard to understand what factors make people want to buy in France as opposed to other countries where perhaps more English is spoken.

I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know why you want to buy property in France, as well as any of the following information you can provide:

1. Why do you want to buy in France?
2. Do you wish to move there permanently?
3. Which areas of France to you wish to buy in?
4. Why you want to buy in this area.
5. Will you maintain current employment in France if you're moving there?
6. Your age (doesn't have to be specific to the year!)
7. Your hobbies
8. The county you live in currently

Many thanks for your time in replying, it will really help me with my studies.
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  • 2 weeks later...
"1. Why do you want to buy in France?

2. Do you wish to move there permanently?

3. Which areas of France to you wish to buy in?

4. Why you want to buy in this area.

5. Will you maintain current employment in France if you're moving there?

6. Your age (doesn't have to be specific to the year!)

7. Your hobbies

8. The county you live in currently"

1. I wanted to move to France for a variety of reasons: weather, food & wine, house prices, good transport links, modern infrastructure (hospitals, broadband/ADSL, rule of law etc), more relaxed pace of life, friendly locals, I speak the lingo (so fancied I could settle and make friends easily), culture, proximity to family in UK, outdoors sports (mountains, rivers, sea and lakes), cost of living etc etc

2. Permanent seems rather too restrictive for me - but it is my principal home, I have been here for 3 years and am about to build my dream home...so foreseeable future, YES.

3 & 4. Between Toulouse and Carcassonne - ticks all the boxes outlined in Q1. Specifically near Revel and Soreze - they are marvellous!!

5. Yes - my company was started 6 years ago (3 years before coming to France), I started the business and will continue to work for it...again for the foreseeable future.

6. I am 36 years (and 7 months) old- I don't mind being specific!

7. Running, kayaking, backgammon (any local players?), investing, good food/cooking, reading, wine, Winston Churchill,

8. I lived in the UK before I moved (I am British). I have also spent a year in Germany - great but not for me.

Hope this helps,


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