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log burners


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hi all

First post for a long while. I will shortly be arriving in France to carry out some maintenance and have prepared old chimney with new liner etc and would like to know where I can purchase a log burner. We would prefer one with 2 doors and glass with an output of between 8 & 10 kw. We are situated around Eguzon(36).Any info on suppliers etc would be gratefully received.


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  • 5 weeks later...
Hi interested in this too. We had a local chap round who offered a choice of Godin, Supra, Invicta and Jotul log burners at about 10kW. We like the look of the Supra Mulhouse model and wonder if anyone would recommend it. It seems to be in the middle of the price range and has a 50% govt refund on the cost of the stove, if fitted by an artisan I think, but not the fitting or conduit/liner cost. Would a refund be available on an British model, I suspect not!....................J
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Thanks for you  reply. I have now been over  and installed a supra, however I do need another one and would be interested in more info if you have it. I also need some Double insulated pipe for a new flu to run the new fire. Many Thanks.


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Still waiting for a devis from the bloke that came the other day. I think the Supra we liked was about 760 odd euros. He indicated that we would need a double skinned conduit. Will pass on info when we get it but may have to wait a bit. We know someone who has had a Supra with log store under and a turbo fan which they seem happy with though the bloke did pass comment that if the logs were dusty the fan might circulate the dust into the room. The model was an Orlando Ollaire with two large stone panels on the sides. More expensive than the Mulhouse which we liked the look of..........................J

PS What model Supra did you get? Have you looked at their web site http://www.supra.fr/entreprise/CadreEntreprise.asp?lng=en

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It was the mulhouse that I got and I am quite happy with but for the fact that I really wanted double opening doors.

When you open the door it comes into the room quite alot, small point I know, but double doors would look better when open.

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Glad to hear you are happy apart from the door opening space. I just wonder if the Mulhouse is big enough for us. Our downstairs area is quite large, 53 sq metres, and we struggle in winter to get the temperature above 20 degrees with our existing stove and need to supplement the heat with a turbo parafin heater.

The existing stove is sited 80cms above the floor level in the fireplace and the bloke indicated that our new stove should be sited on the floor so this might improve things, I take it yours is floor mounted? He also indicated strongly that we should have a fresh air grill mounted through the outside wall behind the stove for safety reasons.

One of the problems is that the staircase comes down into the far end of the room and a lot of heat just goes straight up there.The brochure from Supra indicates an area of 45 to 120 metres sq, depending on house insulation, and I wonder if one with a turbo fan would be better despite the comments about dust! What area are you heating, I assume from your comments that you find the Mulhouse is big enough..........J

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We have a Alsace Turbo 2 The fan is so good and so is the fire we have it

in a room of 45m2 and have only used the fan when we first got the fire as its not needed

with the fan on the hot air gets into the two bedrooms and corridor off of this room.

The fire is so efficient that we have not used the central heating this winter .

For the additional small cost for the fan its a must and the dust is not a problem

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   Hi Jackie

It does throw out a fair amount of heat, but like alot of others people we have a real large barn area. We will install another in the main part of the barn which is the living Rm and alot bigger so between the two I think it will be sufficient. Also bearing mind we do not live there, but for short vists I believe it will take a longer period to get the whole place really warm and aired.

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