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mice in the oven insulation

water rat

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We have a problem with mice in our gas oven. They've eaten ,spat upon and worse!the insulation. we just discovered it after lighting the oven for the first time after using the wood cuisiniere for the winter. Can you imagine the pong!

Replacing the insulation won't be a problem, but I can't find anywhere to buy specific oven insulation.

There must be someone out there who's had this happen.

kind regards Doreen

PS The 3 cats are in the dog house


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Not that it helps you, but our cat brought in a live baby rat and let it go, it took me 3 weeks to catch and kill it but in that time it eat the insulation and plastic of the fridge, we ended up with a massive hole  which i have filled with expanding foam. The cat is in the cellar! well until we have sorted the rat problem who have been attracted by the chickens and free food. Could really do with a decent mouser as opposed to an ageing one fang cat.


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