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We need to put up a field fence around the horses field. The problem is we are on solid rock, just below the surface. You can't knock through it and its impractical to drill post holes. Anyone know what others with this problem do. We don't have access to heavy plant. A big hammer doesn't work either. My thoughts are leaning towards a cango hammer/drill, but any other ideas?

cheers nich the wood

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How about, scalp and clean off the stone, get the galvanized flat fence post holders, set them in place level and cover with concrete or maybe build pillars wth the hollow concrete grey blocks cutting holes in the blocks to slide the ranch fencing through and then fill the pillars with concrete.  
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Been there, got the t-shirt!  We bought a very reasonably priced (electric) marteau piqueur (excuse my spelling, but basically a mini hand-held road drill!) and it worked a treat.  I put some dry concrete mix into the holes around the posts and it's worked fine.  Even fatty-Fell can't knock the fence over.[:D]
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