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New roof!

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Our Brit neighbour in the course of selling his house had an inspection done for the buyers information.  The sale fell through when it was found that he has asbestos under the 5o% of the roof, which has to be removed before the house goes back on the market! This would of course would entail removing half the roof tiles, remove the offending asbestos and replace with a harmless substitute and then replace the tiles.

Has anyone ever had to have this done and would you have any idea of the cost.

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Unfortunately too many people have been brainwashed to react like Pavlov's dogs whenever the "A" word is mentioned.

Who's telling him it has to be removed, presumably it was there when he bought the house so have the rules changed since then ?

There must be untold 1000's of properties with asbestos materials in them and for the most part it's perfectly safe and harmless until disturbed and even then of minimal danger if handled thoughtfully. I can't believe that every one of those properties would have to be stripped of asbestos before being allowed to even go on the market.

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Hi looking at the posting is the asbestos under the tiles for the phrase used 'under 50% of the roof) so seemingly the abestos which is causing a problem is not the tiles themselves but 'under' the tiles?

Spoke to a Notaire yesterday and there are hundreds of thousands of houses in France with asbestos in the roof tiles and if in good condition no problem.  Indeed he said that the current diagnostiques test is not to worry people but to ensure that in the future when the roof is say slated that the contractor knows of its existence!

A contractor I spoke to today even suggests that current fibrous tiles have some asbestos in them!

Perhaps not!


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I have shown these messages to my neighbour Peter,and he tells me that when he bought the house four years ago, the inspection report was not so descriptive as it is today! He was told by the Notaire, that there was a little asbestos, but it was not dangerous! It was definitely glossed over by the Immos agent!

In the present day, things have changed. The inspection report is very thorough with diagrams and coloured photographs with warnings boldly staing that there is a dangerous amount of corragated asbestos sheets lining half the inside roof area of his bungalow.

It is not dangerous unless interfered with, but any prospective buyer will back off and look for another house which has not got the same problem. He feels that the only way to get a sale today is to grit the teeth and pay for the work to be done before offering it on the market.

He is looking now for a quotation with a view to get the work done. The snag is that he must vacate the house whilst the builders are working in it!

Anyway thank you for the info and if there is any more information, please post!


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