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Plumbers - Have I been ripped off?

Just Katie

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I have just had a plumber to my apartment and am still in shock.  The taps broke in my bathroom and they need changing.  He gave me a devis of 510 euro and a facture of 105 euros which he demanded I pay up front.  He told me when I get the job done the amount paid will be deducted from the 510 euro

So, have I been ripped off or is this the norm?

I am feeling a bit vunerable because I don't get done that often [:@]

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JK - I hesitate before commenting, since I know nothing about plumbing.

However, from all I have heard and experienced, costs can vary so tremendously - even for similar jobs - I would imagine that plumbers in the Paris area have a captive audience, and not all of them might be very scrupulous.

OK, I will say it straight: it sounds like a rip-off to me. It really does, even though I may be wrong.

Last time we were charged anything up to that sort of amount by a plumber was when he fitted a new toilet, and a power shower in the bath! But he is a local lad, not long-established, and on occasion has even dropped in on his way home to fix a leak, without charging us. Which is, I admit, highly unusual and extremely lucky for us.

In any case, what can you do about it now, if you have already paid the 105? Was that the call-out charge? If it is, it is VERY high.

It makes me want to train as a plumber, it really does - if I could have my life again.

Sorry, this is not too helpful to you. Good luck, whatever happens next.

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As already asked, was he an emergency plumber on a call-out Katie?

Also, when you say your taps broke, can you be more specific, as there is no way that changing a couple of taps should cost 500€.

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Plumber or not, I'd be tempted to try to change the taps myself (assuming you know how to turn the mains off) - it can't be rocket science - it's not as if it's pipe work that's involved.  Get your overalls on, Katie - no way would I pay that for a r*ddy tap!
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Sounds a tad on the expensive side.My husband drove 15miles to replace a toilet cistern in a gîte for an english owner who was in a panic as the guests were arriving that night and including ALL materials and labour plus TVA it was under €240 and we buy professional sanitary ware too, not brico quality.
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Slightly off topic, but I was surprised to find out today how many plumbers (or PHD, plumbing, heating and drainage companies as I think they're properly called) get into financial difficulties and go into insolvency in the UK.  It used to be a a great trade to get into a few years ago, but perhaps only the good ones survive now that people are tightening their belts.  Must be depressing.

Anyway Katie, any news on those taps?

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We have been quoted 400 euro for a days plumbing work.

200 euro no reciepts and not through the books.I think you are being ripped off in the normal world but if it is Paris....who knows.Have you googled replacing taps to see whats involved?It sounds quite straightforward to me but then what do I know?

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[quote user="5-element"]

In any case, what can you do about it now, if you have already paid the 105? Was that the call-out charge? If it is, it is VERY high.


Thanks 5E.  You are right, there is nothing I can do about it now but I can make sure this sort of thing does not happen again.

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I would not comment on the particular case that has been raised without much more detail

It may or may not be a rip off

Small jobs are a problem and I shy away from them unless it is a dire emergency or an existiing client

It may only take an hour to remedy a problem but with the travel to the job, the work and the return to the normal site half a day is consumed

You end up charging around 100 euros plus material and it is just not economic

A properly registered plumber paying full cotisations and fully insured needs a minimum of 300 euros per day just to be able to earn a basic minimum wage 

A lot of plumbers in France go to the wall as well as in the UK

If the plumber mentioned in the thread issued a devis before the work commenced and it was accepted then I see no reason to complain now

It is a different matter if he undertook the work and then demanded this sum of money

Despite the myth that seems to prevail all around the world I do not know any wealthy plumbers

Le Plombier


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OK to be more specific,

the taps are broken to a build up of calcium (I think). 

I did not accept the devis, I said I would get back to him after I had spoken to my husband.  He insisted I pay the call out charge which would be deducted.

As for travel, this is Paris not rural France.  He was at my home within 15 mins.

I feel like an idiot because in the UK, they give you a quotation and leave it with you.  It was not a call out charge as such where I needed his help.  The hot water is switched off AND I know what the problem is.

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[quote user="Cat"]

Slightly off topic, but I was surprised to find out today how many plumbers (or PHD, plumbing, heating and drainage companies as I think they're properly called) get into financial difficulties and go into insolvency in the UK.  It used to be a a great trade to get into a few years ago, but perhaps only the good ones survive now that people are tightening their belts.  Must be depressing.

Anyway Katie, any news on those taps?


Hmm - we had a great plumber, he changed our boiler, changed the hot water to a 'French' style system, put in a new bathroom and has just replaced the shower & basin in the en suite. If we had a problem he would come out within 24 hours... depending on the fault.

I guess he used to do site work at slack times I know he often worked for buy to let landlords. He lived in a much nicer house than ours in a good area......however, builders have to a large extent stopped building new properties at the past rate, buy to let landlords are holding on rather than investing.  To get to his house he had to go through a 'bad' area and the thought of his two children growing up in the vicinity worried him. The upshot is that he is emigrating to Vancouver Island.......[:(][:(]

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Crisis over [:)]

Landlady has intervened and is sorting it out for me.

Should have done that in the first place.  She has told me that it is not the norm for a plumber to sit there and wait for any form of up front payment and that they took advantage of an innocent foreigner.  So take heed.

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Hmm, no probably not. 

My experience with plumbers here has been dire and mine had really bad BO too!  I did the classic thing of signing and not dating a devis only to wait 3 months for the g*t to start, the work was expensive and sub-standard but it taught me a lesson and I'm sure your experience has too.

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When we were at our house in Limousin the bell rang on the gates and a man stood there in front of his van.It looked all kosha..He said our chimney needed repointing and was shouting and waving his arms as if the chimney was about to fall down.Admittedly once it was pointed out to us the gaps between the bricks were really big.Anyway my hubby being naive opened the gate and let him in.(big mistake although we didnt know it at the time)He said we should get it done because the chimney might fall creating alot of damage.He gave us a good price and said he would be back later that day.Hubby said ok.

Later on that day he arrived with two other chaps who went up the ladder to the roof that was 3 stories high.They walked on that roof like it was on the ground,pointed the chimney up and we thought that would be it.But no he knocked  at the door shouting and pointing up to our other chimney.The two chaps on the roof showed us that the pots were not cemented in.As he pulled them away from the base you could tell that one of them was cemented in.When my husband saw this he said it was no good now,and told the man he was not a bank.The man looked abit embarrassed knowing that the little scam had been rumbled.However he put sooo much pressure on us to have it done that we said ok.We knew that had we said no then the chimney pots would have been replaced so they would fall or maybe tiles loosened.We knew we were being "had " but felt obliged to go along with it

After they had gone and we had paid up we were so mad at ourselves and vowed not to let any other tradesman through the gate unless he had been invited in.I think this man was a chancer,you get them in England too,i think he just drives around looking for work then when he is in prime position creates some for himself

Just because its France one still has to watch out so as not to get done,and it still really hurts if you do.

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