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Fosse Septique


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Make sure it is filled with water.  Put in an "activator" (like Eparcyl for example) and then carry on with using it.  That's all that's required.

A regular dosage of "activator" should be used.  We put in Eparcyl once a week.  There are other brands.  Instructions are on the packet.  Can be obtained from supermarkets.

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hi OK

       the above is spot on but.....  do not like the weekly dose of bugs though . This can cause too much fermentation in the tank ,the result then is some of the solids are brought up from the bottom of the tank ,held in suspension and are carried out into the drainage field ,this will cause an early blocking of the field . There should be enough from your own waste to keep it going once you have started it working, if you still want to add bugs go for Tarax or similar . it`s  once a 6 months  one , and they can tolerate a bit of bleach


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I,ll endorse the Tarax -now have no niffs like what we had before.Mind you have replaced the ,orrible French plumbing with trapped waste pipes and arranged for a slight slope-seems unknown in this partr of the world!!Unless of course you wanted a dead level set up in which case I would gurantee a slope!!!Maude

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