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Rossiere? stoves


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We have an elderly wood fired range/cooker which is beyond service life (Burnt out fire box due to previous coal usage I suspect) and all the controls etc either rusted solid/snapped whatever. Even now though we can use it and it throws out a remarkable amount of heat. As part of our refurb we would like to replace it with the modern day equivalent and ifthat was available with a back boiler so much the better. Thing is I have rarely seen these cookers in Bricos and am unsure whether they can be sourced this way. I would like to get a Rossiere (Not sure of the spelling there) if possible as I can see the potential just from our creaky old model. I would be immensely grateful if anyone cold point me in the right direction for the equipment of even better a stockist in the  Mayenne region who doesn't wear a highwaymans mask!.....I know I know...want,want .....want.


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