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Moving back to the UK


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We are having to move back to the UK having lived over in France for a wonderful 3 and a half years.We have just this house and no other in the UK . We have a potential English buyer interested in purchasing our house here in France. Could anyone give us any information or advice as to the easiest way of goinf about it and/or any pitfals that we may have missed. We were also wondering whether or not it would be possible for our buyer to pay for the house in sterling which would make the transaction much easier. We are selling it privately.


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I believe that there is no legal obligation for you to sell the house for euros - but on the contract the amount agreed for the sale must be completed in euros - you just use that days exchange rate.

Some notaires are, so I have been lead to believe,a little uncomfortable with this and it may prove to not "make the transaction much easier" after all. All the best,  Ian

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Agree with the purchaser an exchange rate to be written on the Acte, and tell the Notaire you intend to receive the funds in UK, calculated at this mutually agtreed rate (it must obviously be a realistic rate), so this can also be written into the Acte.

Have the purchaser deposit the sterling funds with your UK solicitor via his UK solicitor (money laundering rules, he won't just accept money from someone he doesn't know) just before the Acte is to be signed (or have your solicitor get an undertaking that the said funds are guaranteed to be transferred from the purchaser's solicitor).

Telephone your solicitor to confirm funds have been transferred (or promised to his satisfaction) before signing away the property.

If your Notaire doen't want to do this, find another one who does.



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