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Siveer's questionaire de diagnostic re: fosse


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We've just received this letter & questionaire,  'schema de l'installation' etc and I wonder if anyone else has?   I am a bit confused about it, especially since our fosse system seems to be 'non acceptable'.

Anyone else in this position, or with knowledge of what to do.  We're in the Vienne, near Poitiers.

Many thanks


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I have managed to speak to SIVEER in Poitiers & will probably have to re-do the fosse/septic tank & wonder if there is anyone out there who has done this recently in the Vienne (in SIVEER's) area and can give an idea of what was done & what it cost ?

Many thanks


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yes Tigwini.here in the SE corner of the Vendee the whole commune has about95% "condemnation"of the existing fosses.However none of the French habitants seem to be the slightest bit interested,nor are they complying with even the routine emptying of the fosses!We have been told on the grapevine not to do anything as there "may" be some form of financial assistance,and also this being France-things could change.Even the agents we are trying to sell our house with ,to move area, have advised us not to do anything whatsoever.It appears at the few public meetings that have been held in the area,that not many French have the money or inclination to upgrade their systems with the usual shrug and  many -Alors,donc.mais oui,etc etc.Methinks another revolution may be coming!!!!!Maude.

  With all this in mind,another query has arisen in my pea size brain.We have a small douche and wc in the end we do not use except for the very occasional visitor.This currently discharges via sanibroyer into the street storm drains.The only way to divert this, to the fosse at the opposite end of what was 2 houses,is to trench out and bury the discharge hose on the road side.What are the normes regarding external soil pipes on the facade?There is no other way.as our house only has one external wall for us,the other wall is adjoining our voisins.Dont think they would welcome a soil pipe running through their kitchen and bathroom.

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Many thanks Maude, especially for your kind advice.

Ours sounds a bit more straight forward since we have no neighbours.

We have a large tank - concrete I think, certainly a large concrete lid which we have replaced with a galvanished metal one, the concrete one needed 4 large men to lift it!   We changed the lid as we had the tank empied in an attempt to solve the problem of an overflowing toilet.  It turned out that we had roots in the pipes. The man who sold us the house helped us here & told us that in over 25  years they had never looked at or emptied  the tank, but how does it not overflow ? and where does excess water go? Strange or what!

We have no idea if the tank has filters etc and filters the water onto the garden - it doesn't look like it as the garden  is sloping away  from the tank is rather thin  unhealthy lawn, minus the verdant areas you'd expect from this.   We had such in S Africa which worked well and never gave any trouble or needed emptying.  Sounds different here, with grey water drains as well ?

I presume at our house in France, since we slope down to the river Vienne, they might be concerned, but it's some distance, and some other houses are right on the river, and  I suspect others have more archaic systems than we have, although someone had clearly done an inspection, and thinks our system is non acceptable - the report  at least says they couldn't detect an 'odeur' when they did !

 I am supposed to get a dossier from the Marie and make the changes according to that.  Makes little sense I think since we don't yet live there and only manage to visit 4/5 times pa and not for long visits either, and have- at the moment one loo, although we will have a second one by Christmas, and another bathroom.  But, no extra use of the fosse - just wanting bathroom nearer bedroom.

Most interesting to hear the French opinion on this - are we too law-abiding?  Nervous of the powers that be?

Anyone in SIVEER's area having received this letter?




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To continue with this saga,it was very very aparent that basically the French do not want mains drainage anyway cos of the increased water bills for the sewage treatment!however they were at the public meeting only  interested in the possibility of compensation should their land be crossed or interfered with,should a drainage system be  instigated.At this very moment our elderly cross road neighbours have their twice a week friends visiting.I mention this cos the first thing the male does after exiting his car is to pee against the garage wall in view of any or all.The same thing happens when leaving!!! Shows the very French mentality and or culture!At least it saves the householder at least a minute percentage of centimes in a couple of wasted flushes of the bog.   Maude

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[quote user="maude"]... cos the first thing the male does after exiting his car is to pee against the garage wall in view of any or all.The same thing happens when leaving!!! Shows the very French mentality and or culture!At least it saves the householder at least a minute percentage of centimes in a couple of wasted flushes of the bog.  [/quote]

It can be considered impolite by many - especially older - French people to use the loo in someone else's house, so the male visitor is being well-mannered.


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Crumbs!  or what!

Some of the blokes I know probably do this now & then.    Is this a bloke thing ??

But, no chance of connection to the mains where we are, and that's a relief.  Here in Wiltshire we pay as much as £400 pa for the sewage only, water used is similar, but costs more and invoiced from another company.

The sewage is based on water used & really makes me mad that I have to claim a rebate for water not sent down the drain - eg topping up the wild life pond,  filling the pool in summer,  washing cars, (not that often)  garden,  cleaning driveway etc.   So we are greatly relieved to have a fosse septique which in nearly 3 yrs has cost about Euro 150.  

But, I am still uncertain as to how what we have works, and what we will eventually have to do.  The French may be bureaucratic, but it sounds as if years can go by before we are legally obliged to do something.   I couldn't see an agency in this field in the UK being as patient or as tolerant.



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