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Planning Permission - timescale


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We have a barn attached at right angles to our house which we want to convert into extra living accommodation. We have an architect drawing up plans but I'm getting conflicting information about how long we will have to complete the project once permission is granted. On one hand I read we will have two years to commence the works and on the other hand two years to actually complete.

Does anyone know the correct timescale? Any information gratefully received.


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Extract from a recently granted Permis de Construire:

Duree de Validite: Le permis est perime si les constructions ne sont pas enterprises dans le delai de deux ans a compter de sa deliverance ou si les travaux sont interromptus pendant un delai superieur a une annee. Sa prorogation pour une annee peut etre demandee deux mois au moins avant l'expiration du delai de validite.

So ........... you've got 2 years to start the work from the date the Permis is granted. Furthermore, if you make a start, but leave the works untouched for a year, the Permis will similarly be revoked. You can apply for an extension of one year, at least 2 months prior to the expiry date.

I'm unsure about 'time to complete' - it has come up on here before and in practice I believe that provided you're making reasonable progress, you're OK.  Others will have better knowledge on that.

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