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Complete France Forum

New to Forum - Novice Question


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Hi All,

We've decided we would like to move to France (Brittany, Normandy, Loire) in the next couple of years (2 years max).  So, in the interim, I am doing as much research into what is involved, what to watch out for, etc., etc.

One simple thing that I can not seem to learn about is "Dept ##".   I see it referenced often when people discuss geographical areas.  Is this similar to a postcode?

Apologies for such an elementary question, but if I don't ask I don't learn.



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Broadly speaking, the departments are similar to counties in the UK. They are numbered alphabetically from 1 (Ain) to 95 (Val-d'Oise). Several departments make up a region - you mention Britanny; that consists of  22 (Cotes d'Amor), 29 (Finistere), 35 (Ill-et-Vilaine) and 56 (Morbihan).

The most usual place to see these numbers in is supermarkets,  markets and vehicles. Produce in a supermarket or market will usually have a number which  shows its department of origin and the last two numbers of vehicle registration numbers shows where they are registered, although this is beginning to change.

As Coops said there is a very good list in Living France Magazine.

Welcome to the forum.


Edit: Sorry Cooperlola - your second post wasn't showing when I started.


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3 years, adore it, and er... no.

However, if you are reading any of the stuff on where our healthcare benefits are going to come from, I suspect that thenumber of people who will have to go home, just to get medical care, will increase.

Do keep an eye out on this board


to keep abreast of what is going on, as things develop.  According to your circumstances and what happens within the next few weeks, it may be that you need to factor in the cost of full private medical insurance after your first 2 years here and until you reach UK state pensionable age, so you need to know that you can truly support yourselves, that is the message at present.

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I don't live here full time although I have spent the last five summers here. I love France and the UK too and have no wish to live permanently  here in France. I'm know I'm lucky to have the choice.

I would advise anyone contemplating a move whether full or part-time to improve their French to the highest possible standard before they do.


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