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Spanc and the Arrêté 2008


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After a delay imposed by the EC of 3 months on the original 3 Nov 2008 the closely awaited 3 Feb 2009 date is almost upon the Assainissement non Collectif community. All the new rules in the application of EN 12566 were supposed to have been done and dusted in July 2008, as all those vendors selling MicroSteps assured us, but somewhere the wheels fell off the ministerial buggy.  A ministerial reply IN A RECORD  5 DAYS to a Parliamentary Question give assurances that the Arrêté will be signed and sealed without delay by the ministers concerned, so perhaps early in February. The new rules will concern in particular the users or potential users of  Micro Stations de Epuration; those magical plastic containers that change raw sewage into "drinking water". In preparation for that auspicious day in February the following links might be profitably perused.

http://www.eauxglacees.com/Assainissement-non-collectif-53-le  this link features the pertinent Question and Answer.

http://www.eauxglacees.com/IMG/pdf/L_analyse_de_Span_Info.pdf   this link is a PDF file of the relevant 4 pages in the Spanc Magazine for December 2008.

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Whilst the anticipated changes are unlikely to have any affect on conventional "assainissement" installations; the situation may perhaps not be so simple for persons contemplating a µStep solution.  The SPANC community vociferously supported by local "terrassiers" have always advocated that a µStep should be classified as a Prétraitement and no more. An interesting snippet from a professional forum yesterday presented the case of an inspection of a small hotel (25 EH) with a µStep installed; the SPANC inspector was not very happy. The proprietor claimed to have done the installation in conformity with the approval of the DDASS which would date it earlier than 2007, when the SPANC subsequently took over these duties. The SPANC inspector checked with the DDASS who indicated that a fosse toutes eaux + sand filter bed had been required.[:D] Oh La La! After being accused by a SPANC representative at a Public Meeting of being an evil purveyor of µSteps, after having made a few pertinent questions, my impression is that the µStep is still not out of the woods.
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[quote user="La Guerriere"]

I'm about to get a new fosse installed, and did enquire about the microstep situation and I was informed exactly as stated by pachapapa i.e. a microstep is still regarded as a primary system and has to be backup up with a filter bed of some description.


My advice is to wait until after 03/02/09, the resulting Ministerial Arrêté may make things easier for µSteps; one thing is certain it wont make things any worse.  By the way the vertical filter bed, as it is  installed in france under the auspices of the Service Public d' -Assainissement Non Collectif is no great ecological wonder and of dubious efficacity. At the meeting referred to above I made the observation that installations done by aborigines in Australia were better conceived than their french equivalents; the audience were amused. The SPANC wallah lost his "rag".[;-)]

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[quote user="La Guerriere"]

I'm about to get a new fosse installed, and did enquire about the microstep situation and I was informed exactly as stated by pachapapa i.e. a microstep is still regarded as a primary system and has to be backup up with a filter bed of some description.


So what do you do when there is no room for a filter bed?

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[quote user="Tandem_Pilot"][quote user="La Guerriere"]

I'm about to get a new fosse installed, and did enquire about the microstep situation and I was informed exactly as stated by pachapapa i.e. a microstep is still regarded as a primary system and has to be backup up with a filter bed of some description.


So what do you do when there is no room for a filter bed?


Indeed a question "posed" by 80% of the inhabitants of the commune who attended the meeting aforementioned in the Village Hall last year; the other 20% live in the "bourg" and are served by the Assainissement Collective. Smug baskets! Among the general "hubbub" the procedure for "dérogation" by the Préfecture seemed less important than PPP's assertion that µSteps were mega-expensive, like € 10,000.

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