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Can anyone help -I am now in a panic!  My CU was stamped approved on the 17.4.07 but applied for in 2006.  I havent applied for the years extention because a) stupidly I thought I was using the years extention already when I purchased the barn last year and b) I should have applied for permis de construire earlier but translating it has been a nightmare and I just havent managed to fill it all in.  Is anyone out there certain that the CU lapses EXACTLY 2 years later - ie 17.4.2009?  This gives me an extra few days to attempt the p de construire.  (I believe now that to extend the CU I needed to do so 2 months ago so it is too late). I have done all the drawings myself (eek) and am now seriously struggling mostly with any mention of SHON etc ref 3.3. page 2/5 and 4.3 , 4.5 page 3/5.  Land documents say sol 48 terre 144 total 192 but my outside measurements are 11m x 4.6m and inside 10m x 3.6m.  It is already on 2 levels (joists anyway) and will be a very basic renovation with decking access of 2m x 5.75m including steps up from garden, wood windows and doors, existing roof and only 4 new openings for these. Its a small village and the mairies office is closed until Friday which if I need to post tomorrow is too late.  Also, if I have made an obvious error on the forms will they be rejected or will they ask for further information so I can rectify? Sorry lots of questions but I have been up all night, literally, and have to go to work now.  I was hoping to post everything tomorrow morning to arrive on the 31st march !!!

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The first thing you need to do is check the duration of your CU (shown in the document) as they normally only last 18 months with the possibility of extending them for a further 12 months but as you say, only if you have applied at least 2 months before the expiry.

You can reapply for a CU if it has expired, but there is no guarantee that it will be granted - you just need to hope that the planning department look on it positively.

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Scotslassie.    Check out new Decret 2008-1353 du Dec 19th 2008 prolongeant validite des permi de construire.[On Legifrance.gouv.fr].Sarkozy passed new law extending C Us, because of the current climate.I have been to the local planning govn office and double checked this because mine expires in May 2009,[and I have used the extra years extension] they confirmed this Decret, it is now good untill 2011.

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Thank you to you both - the date granted was 17 April 2007 so presumably if it was only valid for 18 months under old regs (I cannot see where it says this but it does say something about extending for 12 mois, 2 mois before expiry)  it would already be invalid - October 17th 2008, prior to the new legislation.  So instead of trying to send  my final plans and paperwork I should be re-applying for a new C/U?  However, if my understanding of the new legislation is correct then SHOULD it be 2 year validity, it would be extended automatically.  I am not usually so lucky but how do I find out?  Also, any ideas re SHON etc. What is it trying to establish?   I have had a little assistance with this from a French acquaintance locally who kindly agreed to help but also couldnt understand it (so what chance have I got!) .  He says it is too complicated to explain and suggested I fax the Mairie.  Unfortunately its only open a few hours - Friday next and alternate Saturday mornings and there is no guarantee of a definitive answer after a long wait! I tried Monday morning but the fax wouldnt go........
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You are a star Ron....  I have checked my entire form using this and filled in the shon/shob to the best of my ability (maybe I am being thick but I came up with the same answer to 2 in a row, refering to changes etc so picked one heading - both seem to apply but  the total is double the area it should be otherwise)

Anyway, apart from not being totally conviced my CU is still valid, I will be sending the forms this week. Thanks again everyone.

One last thing, if anyone in Allier has a 1:5000 or 1:10,000 map of L'Etelon village near St Amand Montrand I would be grateful for a copy of the village.  I have 3 maps and none are remotely this scale and google isnt close/detailed enough!

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Assuming that you are not in a position to go to your Mairie who will provide you with a copy of the map(s) that details your property, and as you will almost certainly have to show the land parcels affected and what you own etc etc.  If you go here


You can print off your own, you can zoom in for more detailed plans.  You should include a map that shows the property affected and the extent of what you own around it to show how it might affect neighbours etc.

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