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Hello !

I raised this point in another posting a few weeks ago but did not read a comment about this issue.

The artisan whom I asked to quote me for refurbishing the whole of the  bathroom has a Siret which ,  I checked,  is  issued only for electrical work.

He claims he can guarantee his work and he has insurance that will cover it for 10 years. But I wonder.... Why has he not got a more comprehensive siret ?

ANy comments ?


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If you checked out his SIRET on an internet site, there will only be one trade listed (that which he put at the top of his list); if you ask to see his Chambre de Metiers card, it will have everything listed that he is able to do under his SIRET.

Many French plumbers are electricians as well, and also heating engineers.

You could ask to see his decinale insurance certificate.

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That's how the system works - the primary trade is the one that appears on the basic listings. You can see the whole list on many of the checking sites, along with a lot of other detail, if you pay.

Many French plumbers also do electrics, and vice versa. The two seem to go together for some reason.


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Whilst it doesn't really matter what you are registered for with the Chambre de Metiers, the most important thing is the trades  LISTED INDIVIDUALLY on your attestation d'assurance. It is absolutely essential that you get a copy of this attestation before you sign any contract.

We are registered as an 'Entreprise generale du batiment' and have a long list of individual trades listed on our insurance but some trades are absorbed into other things such as plasterboarding is conered under 'poseur menuiserie' but main trades such as 'macon beton arme', 'electricien', 'couvreur' etc. etc. are all very clearly specified with their limitations

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It is true the siret will cover the only one activity

The comments  made about the registration card from the Chambre de Metiers and the insurance are valid, they list all the activities

The insurance attestation is the best document to check

It is more and more difficult to get decennal insurance these days and if you cannot prove to the insurers you are both registered, qualified and experienced in a particular activity then they will refuse to insure you

I had a major problem with my insurers some time back getting them to cover me for underfloor heating, I now have that cover but only for heating, not for cooling applications and I am not covered for laying the chappe liquide, not that I would want to

In all cases ask for a copy of the insurance attestation and check the required activity is listed, if it is not then you will probably not be able to claim on the artisans insurance if there is a future problem

Le Plombier

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[quote user="Le Plombier"]

It is true the siret will cover the only one activity


I don't understand that. My "carte d'identification" issued by the Ch de Met in Dinan carries my SIRET number and the list of activities for which I am registered (including one - video thermography - that is covered by the Ch de Commerce) presumeably "under" my one SIRET number. As does my insurance certificate (except that for which I don't need insurance - thermography).


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It may be listed on the Carte but a Siret No check will probably only show the activity the C de M have decided is the principle one

Mine shows climatisation although I am also listed for plomberie, chauffage etc

The attestation de insurance shows all and if they cannot produce one you should not employ them as you may well not be properly covered for the work

My comments are based on my dealings with the C de Metiers, I have no knowledge of what the C de Commerce do

Le Plombier

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