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Gaine rouge (electricity)


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Can anyone tell me when it is appropriate to use gaine rouge instead of gaine gris for electricity cables?. I have seen red gaine protruding from new builds presumably to connect to the mains. I am assuming that red gaine is therefore needed to connection between the internal tableau(fuse box) and the EDF meter (underground cable externally?). What if the connection is in the air? is red gaine needed once the cable comes inside the building up to the tableau?



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Thanks. What if the supply is provided above ground? I have an electricity pole a a couple of metres from the corner of the house and it would be easier (and cheaper I think) to connect in the air. Would I then use grey gaine once inside?
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All gaine between the EDF supply and the meter, must be in red gaine (if it must be in gaine), of an appropriate size (most gaines of 50mm and above, intended for electricity, are red as a result).

If you are having a new supply, EDF will tell you where they want to run the cables, where you must put the gaine. Don't assume (unless you ask!) that they will go "overhead".


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As I understand things EDF will no longer (are not allowed to?) make overhead connections, even for a short distance. I believe the long-term aim is for all power and telephone distribution to be made underground.

Cheers, Tony.  

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Thanks for the replies. As the EDF pole borders my property, am I respomsible for any works (trench) to accomodate wiring in the same way that I am responsible for works accomodating water pipes from the mains? I am thinking that if I have to go underground, I might be able to use the same trench?
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[quote user="oldgit72"]Thanks for the replies. As the EDF pole borders my property, am I respomsible for any works (trench) to accomodate wiring in the same way that I am responsible for works accomodating water pipes from the mains? I am thinking that if I have to go underground, I might be able to use the same trench?[/quote]

You can, but there are seperation rules. However, the descision-makers on this are EDF (or ERDF). Ask them (you will have to get them to connect the supply anyway).


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