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The Health Care Changes Causing a Rush to Sell up??

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[quote user="Sprogster"]

Panda, it is unlikely the proposed health care changes are having an impact as the majority of foreign owned private residences in France are second homes, whose owners are non French resident and therefore not effected.

However, what is having a discernable effect is the rise in interest rates and resulting credit squeeze, which is leading to a dramatic rise in borrowing costs for homeowners with mortgages and most second home owners have a mortgage on their primary or secondary property, if not both.

In the above circumstances, if the homeowner finds themselves financially overstretched often the first thing to go is the second home, as that is a luxury not a necessity.

Most of Europe is currently experiencing a much slower property market and in France over the last quarter average house prices have declined slightly for the first time in many years. Most property analysts now expect a correction or slow down in the property market throughout Europe over the next year or two and their opinions only differ by how much. 




Slightly disagree Sprogster. Whilst our home in France is a 2nd home our plans were to take early retirement and move to France. All our calculations were carried out on the way that things were. The cost of full private insurance with existing conditions mean it will probably be unaffordable (without the existing conditions it would severely dent our finances). From some other posters on here their 2nd homes are their intended future main home so this does impact some 2nd home owners.


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[quote user="Sprogster"]

..................................as the majority of foreign owned private residences in France are second homes, whose owners are non French resident and therefore not effected.


I would be really interested if you could tell me where you get that little snippet of information from, i.e. is it factual or just someones guess.


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I have heard that anyone reporting illegal workers to the Gendarmerie is awarded a bounty of €2000 when the miscreant is brought to justice. At the moment with my knowledge, I am sitting on a fortune of €8000 if I were to turn informer. But somehow, it does seem to be 'not cricket' and I will leave it to others to do the dirty work. Mind you, that money would be very useful!


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[quote user="P2"]

Just wondering if not being able to join the French health service, i.e. having to take out private insurance will mean that the 8% social charges will no longer apply - bet I can guess the answer.



When you say 8% social charges, I assume you mean the 8% CMU heathcare contribution rather than the social charges (11%).  If you have private insurance, then you won't be registering for CMU so you won't pay any contribution.



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Of course at least half of France would end up in the me rde, assuming one half reported the other. However given that say two thirds of the total population might perhaps have a little something going on the side, then the country should come to a halt pretty quickly. However, as a new system of taxation it is wonderful. Perhaps there should be a system of taxing the reporters too as being too dozy to have something else going for them or for being rather too pious or for having the reporting as a second income(untaxed). The possibilities are endless really.
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[quote user="Frederick"]

Going slightly off topic as a holiday home owner who is covered by private medical insurance and not wishing to be  registered as a resident  and claim anything the above does not apply to me ..However ...having been visited this year by three members of the local constabulary. who wanted to know who has keys to my holiday home ...and.... last month  as the Impots office in Lucon sent me a standard printed form wanting to know my full name . and place and date of birth in the UK .I am now  begining to wonder whats changed ? ..

After 2 years ownership of the house  it seems  that records are  suddenly being brought up to date so the authorities know just who in the way of non French house occcupiers  they have and where ....They have requested details  from me that are required for a check on Police records..which is fine as far as I am concerned ....Pity the UK have not with their non UK house occupiers done the same .....I was told the information was needed to bring the computer records up to date ...if so ...its taken a while to get round to it .... so I think sombody has issued an instruction to find out who they have got now .


By way of re-assurance there is nothing at all new about your experience. Twenty odd years ago after out arrival we had a visit from the local Gendarmes who requested similar information. They explained it was simply for their local records in case of fire or break in. They would know then whom to contact in our absence. I did not believe there was anything sinister then and I am still of that view. Occasionally we get friendly visits to update their records. It's harmless community policing and long may it continue.

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Bugbear, It should not be surprising as France is a country many want a home in, but in practical terms it is difficult to move there permanently before retirement, because of the employment, language, tax and other issues discussed at length on this forum.

Where this is probably most evident is in Southern France, where many houses are clearly shuttered up for the winter, by their Dutch, German,Norwegian, Belgian or British owners, who increasingly in many areas seem to make up the majority of homeowners. 

I have not got the precise statistics to hand but the information stems from the relavent tax authorities. 

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