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Certificat d'urbanisme

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My house is on a plot of land which stretches between two public roads, and I want to sell off the back part as a building plot. The local mairie assures me that it is in a "zone constructible". I have already had the geometre mark out the new plot and register it at the cadastre with a new number. What do I do next? If I want to advertise it as "terrrain a batir", do I need to get a certificat d'urbanisme?
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You don't need to get a CU - but it is likely that your prospective purchasers will insist you do get one before moving ahead with the purchase (they will put a clause suspensive in the contract at the compromis stage)

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Just got ours. Allow about 3 months for it to go through. You can get the form from the Mairie but you might save yourself a few headaches if you get the Geometre to deal with it for you.   Ours did the whole lot which included a;tering the land plan/new cadastre numbers etc for 1600e.


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C.M. - Turn this around and pretend for a moment that you are the prospective buyer of a plot that the seller claims will be ok for building. Without the certainty of a grant of planning permission in the hand would you pay full whack ? I know that I wouldn't.





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