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Plumbing Mal fait


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Could be a long one here so please bear with us. In 2002 -3 we had our small house replumbed, in preparation to rent it out for a gite. Yes a mere 12months, and despite our requests to hide the pipework where possible, our "Artisan Plombier" left us with something resembling spaghetti chucked at the wall through much of the house. He charged twice for labour (we think), and priced copper pipe and all fittings at incredible cost (21Euros a metre in some cases), charged for work I did, work he didn't do, and on top still hasn't fitted a drain to the combi boiler to the exterior, allowing it to drain into our hall when over pressure!

I met him a few months after he commisioned the system, when he came for the 2nd part of his facture, 3,700Euros ( we paid 5,600Euros some 3 months into his work - 6 months after he was supposed to start), and pointed out the deficiencies, why it wasn't getting paid etc.

He has since sent us demands every 2 or 3 years, to which we have replied directly, with the same information - poor job done equals no payment. He is now using a collection agency to try and extract the balance, with agency fees doubling it up to 6,500Euros.

I need to know about consumer rights in this field, and also if there are any plumbers out there who can back up my view and that of several others including a sparky (French), a plasterer, a bathroom fitter, a builder (all English) a Welsh building inspector (guest), that this is a job not deserving of further dosh. If I can work it out I have "spaghetti" pics to post!
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You have had some replies to this on another thread, but, I'll have a go, too;

More useful than photos or threats of Court axction is his devis. How does the work vary from what is listed from that?

It is obvious that your system works (after a fashion) and he is entitked to some payment. What that payment is is down to you and him. I'd negotiate. He no more wants to take you to Court than you want him to - no winners there..

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