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We have just been quoted for a new fosse - at nearly 11,000 euros it is way beyond our budget!!  Is this price reasonable...and, if so, what happens if we don't replace by the 30 June deadline agreed with SPANC.  Ps does anyone want to buy a lovely 5 bed house in 24 (lovely new roof, completely rewired but needing replacement fosse)?

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We paid just over 9k for ours 3 years ago.  We had to have a pump and to have pipes laid for taking the run-off water to the top of our garden.

Don't know how to factor in inflation, etc. but I daresay that if we were having the same work done now, it might well be nearer your 11 thou.

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This was the first quote and the devis didn't suggest anything complex...but maybe with so many fosses needing replacing because of the new regs, the installers can pick and choose??

If you're right about the 4 year period, Wooly, we won't stress too much yet.   If the time limit is actually June 2012 this would take us until after our retirement date so maybe this is project No. 1....to get up to our knees in sh1t!  Maybe we'll take a closer look at Dave & Olive's pics and hire a JCB [;-)]

Kathie (who has decided la belle France is getting scarily expensive.....)

PS If anyone can recommend a (reaonably priced) installer we would be eternally grateful!
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Last year we had 3 estimates for 8000€ . All 3 quoted almost 4000€ for the sand filter alone.

This is beyond our means and we haven't done anything yet.

Are you sure you haven't misunderstood about signing an agreement on the completion date for the new fosse? I can't believe , even in France, this would happen.

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When SPANC came to inspect our fosse (and prononounced it was non compliant) they asked us to sign the inspection document there and then and told us we had two years from the date of signing to replace it.  I don't have our copy of the document with me (it's back in the UK) but I will check the exact wording when I get back.  However, it does seem strange that no-one else seems to have been given a two year time limit.
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You haven't said what size your proposed fosse is, nor whether there are any complications, like pumps required, or whether you don't have enough space for the filter.

We had a 3000l (3cu m effectively) fosse installed in 2006 together with a 5-metre-square sand filter for a cost of 4600€. I don't think inflation would push that up to 11,000€ at today's figures! You have 5 bedrooms so I guess SPANC want you to install a bigger fosse than ours, maybe 5000l ? The cost of the fosse itself is minimal, it's just a concrete (or plastic) tank, and once the earthmoving equipment is on-site it makes little difference if it's 3000l or 5000l.

Ours was installed and working in 2 days. The garden took somewhat longer to recover!

You don't say where you are but I can give you the name of our installer if you wish; he's based near Chef-Boutonne.


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My understanding is that SPANC cannot force you to do the work, it is up to the Mayor

Like a lot of you my fosse has been condemned, I was not given any time scale for replacement, but when questioned SPANC said enforcement was at the discretion of the Mayor

I went to see the Mayor, he is newly elected and keen to work to the rules, I know this from my application for two new windows

His view on the fosse was ' If I insist you change the fosse SPANC may come back in four years and condemn the new one ! '

What do you make of that

In the meantime I am doing nothing

Le Plombier
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Yes this all does seem a minefield. We are currently gathering the materials to install our fosse and filter and unless you buy an installation kit, ( wait about 4 weeks) the builders yards seem very ignorant of some of the materials being asked for .ie. geogrille as opposed to textile etc.

Has anyone else found this?  Or am I just missing the fact that geotextile and geogrille are the same.

On the matter of cost, we were quoted 6500 euros for a system 18 months ago, with a pump out of the sandfilter, but have had to resort to guided diy because of costs. I expect this has increased even more now.

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hi ok

               You need to get your geogrille from some where like Bonne Homme ,and yes it is different from geotextille




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