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fosse septique

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I had a fosse inspection this week and had the opportunity to look under the concrete slabs.

The lady inspector was happy with the content (!), but I must add that we have a special grinding pump which blends everything to a liquid pulp before it arrives in the tank. That could explain why the fosse does not need extra help...

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We've got a fosse toutes eaux, no grease-trap, nothing to grind the gunk into tiny morsels, everything goes straight into the fosse as it left the house (so to speak).  I feel a whole lot happier chucking the odd spoonful of Eparcyl down now and then, than thinking about what might happen if I didn't [+o(]
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[quote user="Cat"]We've got a fosse toutes eaux, no grease-trap, nothing to grind the gunk into tiny morsels, everything goes straight into the fosse as it left the house (so to speak).  I feel a whole lot happier chucking the odd spoonful of Eparcyl down now and then, than thinking about what might happen if I didn't [+o(][/quote]

We inherited our fosse when we started renting our house 2 years ago; there were uninviting whiffs coming from the 'pipe' in the garden and a not very pleasant odour in the downstairs loo; so I treated the situation as if it was a visit to the house after a long absence and put 2 WC net (monthly) sachets down the downstairs loo, cleaned everything of a sanitary nature and the situation seemed to resolve itself quite quickly.

Although 'nature' is wonderful, sometimes, IMHO, she needs a helping sachet or two.

Sue [:)] 

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[quote user="sweet 17"]Just checked my packet of Eparcyl.  It says 18 sachets for use in 4 months, so you're doing the right thing.[/quote]

I remember very well the graphic 'masterclass' that my French neighbour gave me on the workings of a fosse, shortly after we arrived here.

Won't go into all the details: too grizzly - suffice to say that, as regards Eparcyl, I said "One sachet a week?"

He said, "The manufacturers would say that - but there's only so much merde that two of you can generate".  "Normallement, one sachet every 3 weeks is plenty".


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My understanding is that there are two different types of product involved - a 'starter' pack and a 'maintainance' pack. They can be either liquid or powder.

The 'starter' is for use in a new tank, one that has been emptied or one where the bacteria have died. Bacteria can die if the tank dries out through lack of use, nasty chemicals or (worth remembering) if anyone in the house takes a long or high dose course of antibiotics.

The 'maintainance' is for weekly or monthly use (follow the instructions on the pack) and acts as a booster for the bacteria. The happier and healthier the bacteria, the less chance you have of getting nasty smells!

I'm not an expert, by any means, but I chuck my wee pack of Eparcyl down the loo every week and it seems very happy - well, as happy as a tank full of sh** can ever be!! [:)]

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Have a search in the archives here - it's a favourite subject and you will find loads of stuff. (much like a fosse I suppose [+o(]  )

Really there's nothing to the day-to-day running, just sensible stuff.

I'll start the list of Do's

Use cleaning products that have marked on the suitable for fosse - most stuff bought in French Superkarkets is OK

Use toilet paper that is digesable by the fosse bugs.  The French pink stuff is ideal

Bung a fose activator down the loo every so often (I do it when I think about it which is probably not much)

If it pongs, just make sure it isn't full (you will have other indications of this) or the vent pipe isnt blocked or if not used for a while, there is enough water in it (plus give a dose of activator)

and Don'ts

Don't put 'Undigestable' items down the loo such as sanitary items, loo paper from England (or any other paper)

Don't put too much fat down the sink, you may have a fat trap, maybe not but anyway, not good

Don't use too much bleach or disinfectant, a little bit is OK but you can easily kill off all the bugs


Normally they're no bother at all when installed and running.


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I wouldn't bother with the tablets. We had our fosse drained and cleaned last year. Friends had just had theirs done and we thought we should do it, as we had no idea when it was last done. We had had the house for three years by this time, but up to then only used it during the holidays. The chap that came to empty it couldn't understand why we wanted it emptied if we didn't have a problem. He cleaned it and thoroughly flushed it out. He then told me to fill it three-quarters full with fresh water, then add a couple of tubs of live yoghurt. He said one of those a month would suffice to keep the fosse healthy. He told me not to waste my money on the additive products. He said it shouldn't need cleaning for another three to four years. We did as he suggested and have never had a problem. I lift the lid occsionally to check on it, and it's working fine. Cost:- €140. Excellent value for money.


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hi OK

           sure I`ve posted this before but .... you can actually cause problems with the drainage field by using too many " Bugs " in the tank ,the tank ie fosse should have 3 layers , the bottom is solids that have been treated ,the middle layer of solids in suspension being treated and a top " crust layer " . too many bugs will cause the bottom layer to ferment and produce gas ,this then sends the solids up and out into the drainage field causing this to block, a very expensive item to replace.

  There is enough bugs passed  from us to the tank so as never really for any extra to be added, but holiday homes , a bit of bleach and a lot of antibiotics ( a lot not just from 1 or 2 people ) can kill them ,anyone with a holiday home that comes over for say a month ,by the time you are going home the tank is probable just starting to work , ( that's why among other reasons micro stations have been banned )

 There is a product called Tarax ,you just put it in every 6 months , it`s not affected by javell or antibiotics.

from another posting on steroids .... no one as ever asked me that  question so I do not know ,but reckon if you are taking them you should be strong enough to tackle anything that comes out when you take the lid off.............[geek] 


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