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where do you live? A view of my home.

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A bit of help regarding photos

In Photobucket right-click on the bottom line below the photo you want to show (IMG CODE). Click copy. Open your post and click paste.

Job done.

Don't forget to re-size your pictures to less than 600width. Otherwise they won't fit on the normal page and you have to scroll sideways to see them.


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Try again.  I am a bit of a numpty with machinery, sorry!   Will find teenage son to assist.



Maybe its me but I find house renovation easier than wrestling with computers.....................  [:D]

The photos  - one was taken on the first time we saw the house and the second was a couple of weeks ago, resplendent with her first fenetre de toit - 1st of 7 to go in.  And as is typically Anglaise you will note the beginnings of the "roses around the door" and all along the front of the house.  Neighbours don't understand our fascination with roses though, but once we have done upstairs (whatever decade that is!) we intend to build a large porch / dog's bedroom on the front there, so more roses to come!  

The Mairie have been very supportive in our efforts to rejuventate this old place, a stark contrast to here where they give you grief over everything, even a shed!, but she was a bit of a disaster area as you can see so perhaps its appreciated that we are giving life back to the old gal after so many years as a cowshed.


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Well, as it happens.... I hasten to add that we only occupied 1/3rd of it  - I was going to say owned, but the building society owned most of it!)

[/quote]Was the garage really that big Coops, it must be deeper than it looks............[:D][:D][:D]
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[quote user="ErnieY"]

I do but I suppose if it had been an ordinary semi or something probably wouldn't.




What do you mean, "an ordinary semi", it was our CASTLE!

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Really lovely homes, in France and the UK. [:)]  Framboise your place looks wonderful, what a difference. Your comment about not being sure about what decade you will finish the upstairs made me laugh, at the speed the artisans are working on our house, I have now decided that I would be happy if they finish in my lifetime. [:D]

 Ernie, you have a beautiful house, the situation looks magic. Out of interest, the aerial shot of your former house in the UK, is that google earth? That really is incredible that the photo is so detailed that your wife was caught mowing the lawn. I wonder if she felt like someone was watching her at the time. [:D] 

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WJT - the secret of getting it done is be married to the builder!  He cannot escape that way.  My job is the paintwork - guess who went two storeys up on a ladder when the repairs to the corner had to be painted to match?  

Seriously though, we went to France with the idea of buying a little place that really only needed some decorating and basic odd 'n ends, then promptly fell in love with the poor neglected relic standing alone in a field, unloved or cared for.   It was also far bigger than we had initially thought of buying with nearly an acre and a half of land so the idea of a lazy retirement has gone out of the window and  I suspect we will still be doing bits to it  when we are in our dotage!   No regrets though. [:)]

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Story sounds very familiar Framboise with the exception of sadly husband is no builder. [:)] Your house is very pretty, I can imagine the roses, they will be beautiful. I would be interested in the comments of your neighbours once they have to enter your house from a rose covered door.[:)]

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[quote user="WJT"]Ernie, you have a beautiful house, the situation looks magic. Out of interest, the aerial shot of your former house in the UK, is that google earth? That really is incredible that the photo is so detailed that your wife was caught mowing the lawn. I wonder if she felt like someone was watching her at the time. [:D] [/quote]Thank you WJT, it is a nice setting nestled in woodland and at the end of a lane so we're quietly tucked away without being isolated, exactly how we like it. Although it might look older it's actually only 1975 vintage.

Re the UK house no, not Google Earth, but done by some private company who overflew the village and then came knocking on doors selling the photos and who could resist, even at £20 a pop. The original is about 12" x 9" and high resolution, nice to remember the old drum by [:)]

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Ah... a neighbouring farmer said "Roses?  How very English!  Very pretty, but you can't eat them....." which is very true of course.  I also inherited a large amount of Lily-of-the-Valley on May 1st - neighbours are fed up with the stuff so gave it to me at Plant Rescue.

Got loads of roses here in UK too.  I just can't resist those poor little dry root things you see in shops at £1 or so a go, consequently I now have another batch of four potted-up and growing nicely ready to move to France, in fact the ones I planted back in Spring put on quite a decent show even though we had a dire summer.   I also have some apple tree seedlings which will be off to their new home in February with me, plus some big potted shrubs that I simply can't leave behind for the kids to neglect.  It'll be a jungle-on-wheels when I go.[:)]


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[quote user="woolybanana"]

My daughter was mucking about with her camera last time she was here and just sent me this. The compression is wrong, but she is just experimenting.

Anyone else fancy showing their place?




Great, although I thought at first I was watching an episode of 'Last of the Summer Wine' with the music!


P.s What is 'compression' ?? I thought it is what I am doing at the moment to cure my leg ulcer!!!!

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Thank you Hoddy, Dick Smith and Bugbear for all your technical advice - I have now used Photobucket for the first time and have uploaded some video clips taken - by accident - on a trip last year - previously tried to view them and failed - so many thanks. So, have uploaded two pics I thought you might like:

if this works....IMG]http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff24/phylisbide/PIC00267.jpg[/IMG]

and this one..[IMG]http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff24/phylisbide/PIC00328.jpg[/IMG]

missing it already. Phylis


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Here's ours in 87.


Will try and add more now that work has started (new roof,chimney,doors & windows etc) [B]

This is how it looked in Nov 2005 when we bought it.


PS This one is Jul 2007


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Phylisbide, I really love your stone arched window and the lovely colour of your shutters, you have a beautiful house.

Johnnyboy, well done! It already looks lovely but based on the scaffolding on the far right and the heap of rubble on the bottom left it looks like you are still working on it. [:)] Will look forward to seeing more photos.

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Wish we were doing lots of it ourselves, alas we have to rely on our entreprises who are doing a superb job though.The garden is about all we are allowed to touch now that work is in progress!

Have not found out how to reduce size of pics as yet,so hesitate to put many more on till I do! BTW, the second photo was taken in May 2007 not Jul as I first thought.

I also have some more pics taken in July that I must sort out and file correctly. I am making a before/after folder and may well put in  a link to that later as it would probably be quicker.

Interesting to see all other pic, but rather envious of you lucky peeps who are already based out there.

Long way to go for us I'm afraid, do not expect to be able to use the place before Mar/April next year!!

Oh well,off to bed now as early start tomorrow.Sigh!!


Edit for retry on photo!!


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Yet another retry on the photo's,thought I had re-sized the last effort too!

[IMG]http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee232/johnnyfedup/43df1ecc.jpg[/IMG] View of l'oeil-de-boeuf window from "garden".This will give a view of garden from gallery around salon.

[IMG]http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee232/johnnyfedup/DSC00705.jpg[/IMG] View of our new bedroom window frame.

Seems to have worked this time though[:D]


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Hello, reasonably new to this forum, loved looking at all your photo's, I will try and post the view from our house in France, not sure if it will work though, my computer skills are scratchy to say the least.....


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