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Repairs to external (earth) walls


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The gable end of our house (pierre & terre) has some alarmingly large holes in it (the owls love them) and it needs to be re-rendered with chaux. One of the more worrying holes is at the corner of the gable and just under the roof!

This work I intend to do myself when we move over. However, in the meantime, what's the correct way to fill the holes. On a previous house the macon used pieces of terracotta brick to block large holes and then chucked the chaux on top - is the correct way?



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Our builder used bits of (in our case lime-)stone,  found by digging in our garden!  Happily, there's loads of it lying about.  What's more just over our fence is a very large hole - quite obviously years ago the former contents of which were used to build the house itself - which has supplied several pieces of stone which match the fabric of the house.  Not much wrong with terracotta though, I guess but I'd be inclined, if you can, to find stone which matches that already used to build the house.  But then I'm no builder - I just watch what they do!

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