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strength of Euro

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"I agree though that it's way off the agenda for the foreseeable future."........

and in the meantime the UK banks and financial institutions makes £ millions buying euros at one rate and selling them at a higher rate to people trading in or visiting the rest of Europe.  Not to mention the vast profits to be made from the money market.

If ever Joe Soap (and 3 million Sun readers) realise just what not being in the euro actually costs them personally they will clambering for the UK to join in.  But whilst the smokescreen of control over interest rates and taxes put about by vested interests in the City of Lodon and US owned newspapers persists, it will not happen.  Funny how Ireland does not have its interest rates and VAT rate set or controlled by Europe, aren't they in euroland then?

Gardian, why was your FD concerned at the value of the Irish punt[:D]

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The profitability of UK financial institutions is very desirable and a positive factor of Sterling being outside the eurozone. The current selling of Sterling was in part caused by the problems of liquidity at Northern Rock and elsewhere. If your investments are in Sterling then a strong UK economy is very desirable and that is where your interests lie.
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[quote user="Ron Avery"]If ever Joe Soap (and 3 million Sun readers) realise just what not being in the euro actually costs them personally they will clambering for the UK to join in.[/quote]True but Joe soap usually sees no further than the cost of buying a pocket full of € for his annual pilgramage to the Costa Wotsit and good or bad for the country would probably vote for or against it for that reason alone.

IMHO anyone who "reads" the Sun should, by definition, be banned from voting for anything anyway [Www] I'm running, I'm running.................[:-))]

Who was it said:

Democracy is too precious a jewel to be entrusted to the people

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It is not that we see democracy through the haze of optimism. We know that democracy is a jewel that must be polished constantly to maintain its lustre. To prevent it from being damaged or stolen, democracy must be guarded with unremitting vigilance.”

 (Aung San Suu Kyi).


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[quote user="ErnieY"]

IMHO anyone who "reads" the Sun should, by definition, be banned from voting for anything anyway [Www] I'm running, I'm running.................[:-))]


INMO too, ErnieY but I'm NOT running as I think that even a Sun reader would have the nous to keep their head down and not admit, at least in public, to reading anything so pathetic that pretends to be a newspaper.

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We seem to be wandering off topic, anyone seen the exchange rate rate today [Www]

So, as an aside, passing through UK airports on a regular basis as I do I very often witness smart suited business men buying and reading the Sun and can't help wondering what sort of impression that must give to their clients and customers if they happened to see it in their brief case or whatever.

I will admit to looking at page 3 of Mondays Sun, I think it was, but the reason for that was that Miss Italy who was pictured there (not topless!) is the daughter of one of my work colleagues. I did go and wash my hands immediately afterwards though [:D][:D][:D]

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Actually Ernie I have just spent the last days househunting in the Pas de Calais, having now got the feeling that I have truly sold my place in the Vendée. So after much serious activity, particularly crawling round places to find their hidden secrets, I feel in need of a little light recompense. Spotting Sun readers seems as healthy a way as any to relax, spotting meaning of course with a discreet loaded paint brush.

And yes, the strength of the Euro is getting to be a worry but rumour has it that the interest rate will be dropped in the new year. Whether the dollar will be completely dead by then remains to be seen. Not sure that sterling is that happy though what with the flight of capital currently.

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