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Something Is Living In My Roof!

David S

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I live in the Herault and I have noticed small piles of the roof insulation material are appearing on my attic floor - it's very fine, just like fine sawdust. I can also hear a sound similar to rustling a paper bag from within the roof cavity. In addition there seem to be a few very small dead "thunder flies" on the attic floor in the same area, but this may not be related. Our house passed a termite inspection only a couple of years ago so I don't think it's them, but has anyone got any idea what it may be and how I can treat it? Any help would be much appreciated.
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Thanks LL....not really what I wanted to hear but I guess I'll have to get an expert to take a look. I appreciate you getting back to me.

Can anyone recommend an English speaking insect expert within easy reach of Olonzac, Hearault?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I must admit that I was under the impression that without a stethescope you couldn't hear termites and they will stay inside the wood that they are munching because they can't stand light.

Could it be as simple as mice? If you want a good 'expert' then it would be a good idea to inquire at the Mairie. They may be able to put you in touch with an English speaking one too?

If anyone can come up with a more helpfull suggestion than calling in the Yanks, who would probably blow the place off the face of the planet, then I would like to hear it? We are not in a particularly bad termite area down here and you are not that far from us.

P.S. There is a cracking restaurant in Homps, the Auberge Arbusiers right at the Western end of the village..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Jonzjob - I don't think it's mice but I agree that it's unlikely that it's termites. I suspect that I'll have to get an "expert" in....that won't be cheap! Iknow the Arbousier restaurant - as you said, it's excellent. Also in Homps there is En Bonne Compagnie which I've heard is fantatic - I haven't tried it yet but I will be doing so in the next few weeks.
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