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Please can I have some advice ? Everyone in the Dordogne has had a certificate for their drainage/sewarage arrangement. The house I want to buy has a cess pit, and the certificate says 'Acceptable with reservations' At some time it will go on mains drainage, and I dont know when or at what cost, but in the meantime - will this one be an expensive investment, or will it be manageable ? So down to practicalities, my french being not that good, and I write down the comments below.  Any views ? Has anyone got one of these ??

Suggestions d’interventions et commentaries:

Le plateau absorbent a u n rendement épuratoire des très faible.  Son implantation n’était autorisée que dans des cas très rares et très particuliers.  Il a été supprimé de la réglementation.  En cas de problème, il sera important de metre en place une filière de traitement en  adéquation avec le type de sol et le nombre de pieces principales de l’habitation.


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[quote user="caroline"]


Please can I have some advice ? Everyone in the Dordogne has had a certificate for their drainage/sewarage arrangement. The house I want to buy has a cess pit, and the certificate says 'Acceptable with reservations' At some time it will go on mains drainage, and I dont know when or at what cost, but in the meantime - will this one be an expensive investment, or will it be manageable ? So down to practicalities, my french being not that good, and I write down the comments below.  Any views ? Has anyone got one of these ??

Suggestions d’interventions et commentaries:

Le plateau absorbent a un rendement épuratoire des très faible.  Son implantation n’était autorisée que dans des cas très rares et très particuliers.  Il a été supprimé de la réglementation.  En cas de problème, il sera important de metre en place une filière de traitement en  adéquation avec le type de sol et le nombre de pieces principales de l’habitation.



The last paragraph is a comment explaining that

"the plateau does not purify very efficiently. Its (the drainage??) location had been allowed only in rare and specific cases. It (authorisation??) is no longer allowed under the current rules. In case of any problem, an adequate filtartion system will have to be installed, according to the type of soil and number of rooms within the property."

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