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My new neighbour

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I'd like to do whatever I can to stop my new neighbour from building 'un hangar', or a big storage shed, next to our property. He's already taken six months to remove unwanted topsoil, and there's at least 12 months to go; the noise has been awful, our tourist season in 2008 will be difficult. And then if he builds his eyesore, we'll have to look at it every day. He's made no 'declaration de travaux' yet, nor applied for a 'permis de construire', partly because of a freeze by the commune while they redefine a few categories etc. Can I prevent him making noise, and can I stop his construction completely.  I'm about to offer to buy the land off him for much more than he paid, this probably won't work I fear. Will hiring a lawyer help as a last resort? What are my rights? Could a petition work? Can we force him to grow trees round it? Anyone with experience of this out there?

Many thanks


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Have you talked to the maire about this proposed hangar? I am sure there must be restrictions on noise (e.g. starting / finishing times) but he (your neighbour) doesn't sound like the kind of person who would take any notice.[:(]

For peace of mind it would be great if you could buy the land.

Bon courage and do let us know the outcome

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Saillans ...........

Don't mess about or delay.  Talk to a lawyer specialising in property disputes.

It'll cost you more than a few quid (euros), but if you get the right man / woman, at least you'll get a more-or-less straight answer and know whether you have reasonable grounds for objection and how you might proceed to counter the problem.

Whilst it is often the correct 1st port of call, in these particular situations, talking to the Mairie is like ******* in the wind.

This isn't just an inconvenience - it affects your business and thus income. Getting the right advice would be money well spent.

p.s. Where are you situated? 

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When over in March, while chatting with one of my neighbours about taking early retirement and ways of making a living, he mentioned that he was thinking of buying the piece of ground opposite my house and putting a dozen chalets on it!!!!! He went on to tell me that he had already priced ready built Polish chalets.

Next day, I was off to the Marie's office with my local plan to enquire if they could tell me the name and address of the current owner of the said piece of land. Fortunately they had the details as she had recently applied for a CU (building permission) and she lived in the nearby town. She was a bit taken aback when we turned up at her front door, but once I said that we were Scottish and had owned the house opposite her land for the past 15 years we were invited inside and the negotiations begun.

Upshot is

1 We own another acre in France

2 We are 9500 euros poorer

3 One of our neighbours doesn't talk to us

4 We are heros to all our other neighbours

5 The peace and tranquillity of Le Rhimbe will continue for the foreseeable future.

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Many thanks for the useful advice. We know our 'maire' quite well, he's a smart chap and he's on our side, but can't really help. I talked to the owner of the land today, he's only going to sell if his planning application fails. I have a couple of contacts, so it's time to find the best property lawyer I can, and get stuck in! We're in the Drome valley - they're not exactly a litigious bunch round here, there's going to be trouble!

Thanks again, I'll keep you posted on the bloodbath as it happens.


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