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English-speaking EDF help-line?


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Is there an English-speaking help-line for EDF? My "maison secondaire" is in E. Brittany

Do they charge if someone subsequently comes out to inspect and advise?

I wish to increase the power rating of my Elec. supply....but am not sure by how much. ( to supply an " extension ").

Someone said that if you wish to have 15 kw. or more you will be classed as "commercial " with higher tariffs.

Any advice appreciated.
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It used to be 0800 364 775.

They may have to come and have a look to see what maximum they can give you but shouldn't charge for it.

What have you got now and what makes you think you might need 15kw, I can't imagine why any domestic premises would need that much.

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EDF's "tarif bleu", which is the one most/all private premises would be on, goes up to a capacity of of 18kVA/90Amps single phase (monophasé), or 36kVA (12kVA/60Amps x 3) for three phase (triphasé). So, 15kVA is not classed as commercial.

This maximum does depend on local coditons & may not be possible where you are.

You don't mention what supply size you are on, or if it's single or three phase. You may not need to increase your supply size at all, depending on how you use the premises. Normally applying for a supply size increase is straight forward, as all that is required is a change to the rating of the main "disjoncteur d'abonné & a reprogramming of the digital meter, if you have one. However, there can sometimes be issues with older supply cabling (usually the last bit entering the house that didn't get changed when the overhead line was renewed...), but that is ERDF's problem, not yours, & should be changed for free.

Talking of digital meters; if you have one & wish to see the maximum currant (Amps) that has been drawn since the meter was reset then push the top button of the two on the front of the meter until you get to option 5. You will see a figure such as "32A" - this is the highest amount of current you have drawn on that meter. If you have a 9kVA/45Amp supply then you still have plenty of headroom with that figure, but if you only have a 6kVA/30Amp one then you are lucky not to have tripped the supply yet (there's a bit of leeway with the settings of about 10%).

If you have a three-phase supply then you need to press the lower button after you've got to option 5 in order to check the maximum draw on each phase - an overload on any one of the phases will trip the whole supply, regardless of whether the overall load is within your total supply capacity. There's more about that here.

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