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Hi there, hope someone has the answer to this. We have received an Arrete (Stop notice) as the application to build a garage with roof terrace on top has been refused on the grounds that the terrace exceeds 20m2. We are not planning on appealing against the decision as such, but can reduce the size of the garage and terrace to come within these restrictions. Do we need to submit a whole new Declaration Prealable (the Mariie have returned the whole bundle of documents to us) or can we just submit an amendment? If so, how do we do this. Many thanks in advance.
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[quote user="Steve"]Thanks for this. Can I just use the downloaded forms (the ones I have are carbonised) and perhaps make sufficient copies of them to go with the plans?[/quote]

Not sure what you mean by carbonised.[:)]

The form is filled in online, before you can enter anything in the fields you have to click on the right hand part of the header at the top of the form. After clicking the fields will turn a light blue colour and you can then enter text with the keyboard in the fields. When you have finished you can print as many copies as you wish. I would suggest 2 or 3, so you have a record. Note the first part at the top is the Recipissé and the fields do not change colour because this is the section used by the mairie to confirm reception of the Declaration.

No carbon papers required.

The rectangle at top has "mettre en surbrillance" written in it.

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We did exactly this, well almost it was an abri bois, lawn mower etc, but quite big and we had it refused. The reason being that they counted both the ground level and terrace level and this double figure took it over our occupation de sol for our area of our village. We reduced the size of the abri and it went through.
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Yes I did mean carbon papers between - there are 5 copies in the one doc but being back in UK it will probably take anothe 2 or 3 weeks to get it sent from the Mairie so your on-line advice is much appreciated. I will complete it asap and hope for the best. Thanks to everyone
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[quote user="Steve"]Yes I did mean carbon papers between - there are 5 copies in the one doc but being back in UK it will probably take anothe 2 or 3 weeks to get it sent from the Mairie so your on-line advice is much appreciated. I will complete it asap and hope for the best. Thanks to everyone[/quote]

Declaration Préalable 2 copies unless you are near a monument, in a reserve or national park.

Votre déclaration doit être établie en deux exemplaires et doit être déposée à la mairie du lieu du projet.

Vous devrez produire :

- un exemplaire supplémentaire, si votre projet se situe en périmètre protégé au titre des monuments historiques ;

- un exemplaire supplémentaire, si votre projet se situe dans un site classé, un site inscrit ou une réserve naturelle ;

- deux exemplaires supplémentaires, si votre projet se situe dans un coeur de parc national.


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I suppose that the problem is that it still doubles in size when you have a terrace where a 'roof' would be. So maybe you have filled in the wrong forms to start with.

I do remember being told quite sternly that we could not even amenage our loft to make it into rooms, as this extention was using our allowance up. I said,' but the space is there already, we won't be 'making' space or taking from the land', but no, not allowed under the plan d'occupation de sol. So we didn't.

I would always go in and have a chat with the people at the Maire and maybe the DDE people too, they really make the decisions these days, although it was not always quite like that, even though it perhaps should have been.
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How does one calculate how much area one is permitted?

I have two hangars which ajoin along a spinal wall and hoped to remove one roof completely and form dormers in the other out to a terrace formed cast in situ concrete at where chamber joist level would have been before the roof removed ..so one pitched roof and two dormers to a terrace with a workshop beneath........am I likely to be told to get lost?

Our plot size is only 1800sqm and liveable surface would be about 150m2  although in Cave and hangar areas we have the same again easily (I don't believe kitchens halls or toilets come in to the calcs?) if this is the case then we would have less than the 150m2.




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There are local rules about this, so no one can really answer you. It will also depend on where you live exactly in your commune too.

I am sure that our kitchen counted, just the hallways didn't in our commune.

You will probably be OK. Go and ask what you are allowed at your Mairie, they will know.

We certainly lived and learned about all this, as I never in a thousand years expected a terrace, upon which we cannot 'live' or even pass time in the summer as it was south facing and far too hot during the day, would be counted!
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