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A couple of questions ..


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First of all, thanks to the many posters on this Forum.  I have been reading it for months now, and learnt a lot from it.  Perhaps I'm a bit dim, but there are a couple of points I'm not sure of:

If we (married couple) buy a property en tontine, when the first one passes over, will the surviving partner own all the property, or will 75% still go to nearest relative? 

We had finally decided on the area we wanted to live in, Basse Normandie, when I read this morning about the high-powered electricity pylons planned for part of that area.  As some of the posts dated back to 2004, what is the latest position on these?

Finally, I rang Newcastle this moring about the E121 and was told this would give us the same healthcare as a French citizen.  Does this mean we would have to contribute towards medication, or anything else?

PS:  I know Cooperola is a whizz on health issues, perhaps he could help out fellow Lancastrians!

Thanks in advance



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[quote user="Angelite"]

If we (married couple) buy a property en tontine, when the first one passes over, will the surviving partner own all the property, or will 75% still go to nearest relative? 

Thanks in advance



En tontine should be sorted by your notaire, it means that the surviving spouse is the sole owner of the property and the deceased spouse is deemed never to have owned any of it.

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Always happy to help out a fellow Lancastrian!

Yes, you have to pay top-up, even on an E121.  The state system reimburses only 70% of most treatments, and nearer 60% for medications. Although some chronic and pre-existing  conditions do qualify for 100%, this has to be agreed by your doctor. Top up insurance is well worth it for the peace of mind alone, imo, although some do opt not to bother.  One of the major problems is that hospital costs can be way above the amount you get back from your CPAM, so better safe than sorry.

No power lines around here (about 4 kms from the Normandy border).

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