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Digital electricity meter


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A few years ago we uprated our electricity supply from 3K. to 9K and at the same time a new digital meter was fitted. I now cannot find the instruction leaflet which came with it.

I am trying to evaluate electricity consumption  and am aware that there are several readouts dependant upon how often one presses the button. The only one I know is if the button is pressed 5 times and this shows the maximum amperes taken from the system at any one time.

Could any kind soul please let me know what the other readouts are?

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First you need to know what tariff your on, same price day and night, cheap rate at night or TEMP. If your on one of the first two you will find the link below will sort you out but it is in French.


If you go to an EDF shop you can ask for a manual, just tell them you never had one.

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I think this is the most common electronic meter and it's made by Sagem and it's the same as mine. The top button moves through the menu of the the things you want to look at and the bottom selects within that option. So you use the top button to move to meter reading and if you are on a single tariff the bottom button does nothing, if you have HP (day) and HC (night) then it toggles between the two. Take pity on us with TEMPO as there are six reading to toggle through.

It's actually a very clever meter, if you are on HP/HC (day and night) you can control your hot water tank to only come on at night if you want. If you have TEMPO you can connect your electric heating system to turn off and on depending on the colour of the day. For instance ours is programmed not to turn on both water and heating on 'Red' days. We have another 'gadget' that works with it that turns things on and off to control the consumption so the main breaker does not overload and trip. First it turns of the hot water and then the heating. Before we had this option if the heating was on and the oven also when we turned on the kettle the whole house went off, that's all a thing of the past now.

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My original notes posted on another forum

Press Once – 1 = 063404 Kwh Meter reading for normal supply in Kilowatt Hours – This figures should be a little more than the reading on your last bill

Again – 1 = 000000 Kwh Meter reading for off peak in Kilowatt Hours ditto

Again – 2 = Base ? Base or Hours Temps (Normal or Off Peak)

Again - 3 = 30A – 06Kva Maximum power in amps and Kva (almost Watts) first figures should equal to the figure shown on EDF disjointer and your bill

Again – 4 = 6 amps Amount of power being used by the house at that moment

Again – 5 = 35 amps – maximum power you have ever used.

Again – 6 = 049922 or 78288 ( When you press defilement) The full number of the electricity meter – The last three digits of which appear on your electricity bill ?

Again – 7 = 10-- 20-- Peak Hours ?

Again – 8 = 2929 watt hours -Consumption in Watts hours since defilement is pressed

Again – 9 = Complex screen - Only used when operation ‘Tempo’ is set up ?

Additional notes no posting made by others

Option 9 = display test?

number 7 gives the position of the 2 switches in the meter ; closed position shown as 10 /20

the switches are operated remotely by the EDF to indicate

peak rate is starting in 30 minutes


peak rate has commenced

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Thanks for all the replies, very useful.

We have the Tempo tariff which was very good when we were using the house as a maison secondaire but now we are here full time and also having had reversible clim fitted everywhere I am beginning to question if Tempo is the best option. When it comes to red days we try to use a couple of poeles but it's not really the same.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

I think this is the most common electronic meter and it's made by Sagem and it's the same as mine. The top button moves through the menu of the the things you want to look at and the bottom selects within that option.[...]

It's actually a very clever meter, if you are on HP/HC (day and night) you can control your hot water tank to only come on at night if you want. If you have TEMPO you can connect your electric heating system to turn off and on depending on the colour of the day. For instance ours is programmed not to turn on both water and heating on 'Red' days. We have another 'gadget' that works with it that turns things on and off to control the consumption so the main breaker does not overload and trip. First it turns of the hot water and then the heating. Before we had this option if the heating was on and the oven also when we turned on the kettle the whole house went off, that's all a thing of the past now.


That programming option sounds interesting.

I have never looked into the meter that way. Can you explain how to go about it?

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[quote user="Clair"]

That programming option sounds interesting.

I have never looked into the meter that way. Can you explain how to go about it? [/quote]

Clair you beat me to it.

I would love to know how to avoid having the water-heating boost during the afternoon when there is just OH and me at home, as the 2.2kw it consumes could be better deployed.


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Contacteur Jeur/Nuit as link below have three positions :


On During Off Peak but Off during Peak Hours

On till the next switch off for the start of peak hours.

I am not aware of anuy which respond to Tempo Days.


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The heating option is I believe only available with TEMPO because TEMPO is for houses with electrical central heating, or so I am told.

There are two sets of connectors under the 'user' cover of the meter (there are another set on the far right but these are not used). If you just have the cheap, off peak tariff then you can only use the ones on the left which control both water heaters and storage heaters. With tempo you can use the connectors in the middle. These control a special big relay which is made when no power which means the heating in on. Depending on how you have the meter programed determines if power goes to the relay. If you program the heating to number 2 then no heating will come on a red night or day. To explain the numbers and setting I will list them below.

There is no midday 'boost' with TEMPO you only get this with the very old type system, EJP

CHAU - 0  = Heating ON day and night for any colour

CHAU - 1 = Heating ON day and night for Blue and White days (Red nights OFF)

CHAU - 2 = Heating ON day and night for Blue and White days (Red days and nights OFF)

CHAU - 3 = Heating ON day and night for Blue, ON for White Nights (White day and Red day and night OFF)

CHAU - 4 =Heating ON day and night for Blue (White and Red day and nights OFF)

CHAU - 5 = Heating ON Blue nights only (White and Red days and nights OFF, Blue days OFF)

CHAU - 6 = Heating OFF for Blue, White and Red day and nights

CHAO - C = Heating ON for all nights and OFF for all days regardless of colour (for night storage heaters).

Added to this we installed a two zone system with timer. Our bedroom heating is on zone one which comes on at 06:00 goes off at 09:00 and comes back on at 18:00 and goes off at 22:00. The second zone is for the rest of the house and comes on at 06:00 and goes off at 22:00.

Also linked in to this is a little box which connects to the meter and monitors the current drawn (I forgot the French name for this box). We have a 60A supply so when the current gets to 55 Amps on the meter it chops power to the water heaters. If the current does not drop it triggers again and chops the power from the zone two heaters.

As a side issue you also have a setting called EAU which controls when the water heaters are on, its more limited in choice as the settings are as follows.

EAU - 1 = ON all nights regardless of colour

EAU - 2 = ON night and day for Blue, ON for White and Red nights only.

EAU - 3 = ON for Blue and White days and nights, ON for Red nights only.

Hope that helps.

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