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Boxing in main EDF supply comptoire


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I want to box in the EDF boxes (the first one the mains comes into)

Does anyone know if there are rules/norms about what you can do? I read somewhere that you need to have air circulation, hence the need for a louvrered door (Persienne I think they are called here). I can't find anywhere that sells just a simple louvrered door

Thanks in advance


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The boxes are designed to be placed on their own or placed encastre in a stone or brick wall. I made the relevant enquiries when the power lines in my hamlet were placed underground and a number of distribution boxes appeared; the original layout done by a trainee female person presumably on a stage and sent out to do something harmless. I later found out that the stupid female had proposed placing TWO beige plastic monstrosities in my walls. One was moved across the road and the other was moved adjacent to the gable end of the barn; some minor modifications in feeder cable layouts were required. At the time I said I would cover it with beautifully lime pointed stone work; enthusiastic approval. I would suggest that you consider first building the abutments at each end slightly higher than the top of the box and place three lengths of 10 mil re-bar before throwing the lintel to the box.

I also at the time broached the underground connection of the existing power system to a garden area across the road; they drew my attention to the fact that this would count as a separate electrical service and would be subject to its own billing and standing charges.

P.S. There are only terminal connections in the feeder box so no possibility of generation of heat. In fact by enclosing it you will be protecting it better including the inclemencies of the weather.

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