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insulation and credit d'impots


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Well, if you had the work done in 2010, the rate you can claim is in the 2010 Notice, which I haven't seen yet, but you obviously have.

If however, nothing has changed since last year, then it's 40% (case 7WG) provided that the house was built prior to 1/1/77 (might well have moved on to '78 this year).

It's all there under Depenses relative a l'habitation principale, p9-ish of the document.

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I can't remember where I saw the information now! On various french speaking forums it appears to be unchanged. What is being quoted looks official but I can't get it from the horses mouth.

One thing I have seen today, is that portes ( proper portes not portes fenetres) can be included, this I didn't know when I had the work done although the artisan had itemised the price of buying and installing the door in with the details needed for the windows. I need to find out if this only applies for work done in 2011 only.

Not looking good:(

One source says that it is now 15% for windows and 25% for insulation and the Pre 1977 rule for the 40 % has been abolished, but here http://revuefiduciaire.grouperf.com/article/3365/hb/rfiduchb3365_5103786.html at 2. 5 it looks as though the 40% benefit has just gone down to 25% in 2010.

As the impots haven't got the up to date frais reels on their fiches, I don't suppose they will know the answer to this one.
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If you're not sure, go to the tax office (hotel des impots) and ask, taking all your bills with you. As they will be closed until Tuesday, and you have ages anyway to fill in the forms, try this route for some solid 'horse's mouth' info:

Go to the impots website http://www.impots.gouv.fr

Click on 'particuliers'

On the next page, in the green band at the top, choose 'vos préoccupations'

Choose 'logement' from the drop-down menu

Next page, under résidence principale, choose 'Les crédits d'impôt pour dépenses d'équipements dans la résidence principale'

Keep going, we're nearly there..... this page gives you general info, then at the bottom choose "Le crédit d'impôt en faveur du développement durable"


Scroll down to the table and you'll see the rates for 2009 expenses and those incurred in 2010 (so choose the right column!) and more info below including the statement you are after that the crédit d'impot applies to the total price TTC i.e. including TVA.

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Thank you, found the right information finally.

Sadly, I can only claim the 25 % for the insulation now and just 15 % for the windows, a big drop from the 40% I had originally been told.

Searching around yesterday I discovered that there is a heck of a lot of misinformation on French websites in 2011, from those with vested interests eg window or insulation etc installers re the amount of tax rebate one can claim. Of course the bottom line is to check with the Impots but these it makes me realise than double glazing salesmen are the same the world over!
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Sorry to have been the bringer of sad tidings!

The trouble is the gouv moves the goalposts so often it's hard to keep up.

They do all the 'cheap' stuff like insisting on DPEs which cost them virtually nothing, and then behind everybody's back lower the financial incentives to undertake home improvements.

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I have had another look at the information on the gouv fr website. It shows a table for the two different rates of rebate depending on when the work commenced or when the deposit was paid.

The work I had done falls completely in the 2010 category so rather than 40% I can claim 15 and 25 % only. However, on the upside (I hope), I read this

"Le credit d’impot est calcule sur le prix des materiaux et equipements, hors main d’œuvre. Toutefois, pour les dépenses realisees depuis 2009, sont integres à la base de calcul :

- les frais de main d’œuvre relatifs a la pose de materiaux d’isolation thermique des parois opaques

- l’ensemble des frais de diagnostic thermique, en dehors des cas ou la loi les rend obligatoires."

I read that as allowing me to include the costs of the installation too, because I had work done after 2009?

Can anyone confirm that is now the the case?

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