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Which tableaux ?


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I'm ready to buy a pre equiped tableaux de repartition for a surface area of 100+ m2.

Firstly, am I correct in assuming that the area is the square metreage of all floors combined eg. 90 x 3 floors = 270 m2 ?

My other question is to do with experiences, good or bad.

I've looked at tableaux in Brico-Depot and there are 4 choices, all with same prefilled equipment but offered at alarmingly different preices, Nalto at 169 euros, Felten at 239, Siemens at 299 and Legrande at 399.

They all apparently serve the same function.

Has anyone any thoughts on this differential ?

I know there is a vast difference in quality and price between a Lada and a Maserati but I would have thought that a tableaux is a tableaux.

Any advice or experience of 'dodgy' makes would be much appreciated.
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Yes it is the total floor area not the foot print on the ground.

When first introduced Nalto reversed live and neutral between back and front meaning you could not easily use them other makes. They now match.

Nalto are tableau are in a marginally less strong plastic. Just check they are actually NF stamped. Also some rarer items like 2 amp disjointers are not available in all the cheaper ranges.

Apart from that the items have to pass the same mechanical tests so in much the same way as some people drive Audis and others Skodas I think you are mainly paying for the badge.
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[quote user="Anton Redman II"]Forgot to mention that by the time you have worked your way through a properly equipped kitchen etc you will probably need at least another 26 disjointers.

Do the plan first and buy the picquets and disjointers early[/quote]

Really, 26 more on top of those already provided - I'd love to see a list of what you consider goes into a properly equipped kitchen.

But in principle, I agree that a pre equipped fusebox is not the way to go especially if you want to comply with the regs and leave 20% spare for expansion.
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There is the rest of the house to consider and to be included in the 26.

I don't have anywhere near 26 though, even if I do always fit doubles, what is the point of fitting a single socket? The sitting room alone has 6 x doubles, IMHO its false economy to fit singles and then worry in the future about how to fit extra socket outlets.
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I've nearly completed the wiring diagram.

24 disjoncteurs so far !

Haven't added the extras for parafoudre and switched sockets yet but I think the box will be well populated.

Now for the telephone and network part !
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