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Just a dream

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    Actually I wouldn't have too much problem as I  learnt French at school and have done many couses at Evening Classes. I helped all 5 of my children pass G.C.S.E French.

You do have to try hard but any-body can learn a foreign language if they want. My son teaches in Thailand and his Thai is getting quite good-mind you he does have a Thai girlfriend!!

Negativity again-Howard's Carpentry.


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tricia - I think that's a little bit smug of you. You say you learnt French at school - that's an enormous advantage. And it's simply not true that anybody can learn a language. People are more or less gifted at this sort of thing.

When I arrived in France I could barely speak a word and my two young sons soon left me behind, and the difficulties I had for the first few years I was here were massive.

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    I wasn't meaning to sound smug !! I do believe anybody can learn a foreign language if they really want to and learn in the right way. My son in Thailand is certainly not a natural in languages but is certainly learning a lot of Thai and can now carry out a conversation(again having a Thai girlfriend helps)

We are getting completely off topic though. Follow your dreams,but be realistic.

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Well I said all opinions welcome and they are [:D]

I may see our move through rose tinted glasses at times but as a natural pessimist I spend most of my time thinking about the down side and the "what if's". Matt has his head in the clouds so I try to keep him grounded. Yes we're very excited & yes we're still very nieve BUT we don't expect it to be a bed of Roses, we know it will be so much more hard work than it is over here & we're prepared to have a rough first few (if not more) years to hopefully find the life we're looking for.

I speak very little French & I know I will struggle alot. Language is not a srtrong point of mine (as you'll tell by my English too [:P]). I'm rubbish at them unless I have constant practice (Idid sign language but until I started going to a deaf club and having deaf friends I found it very difficult). For me I know I won't make much progress wwhilst I'm here although I'll try but I know I'll do better & lear quicker once we're there, and I fully expect the children to be teaching me within a few weeks.

I'm excited, I'm scared but we're a strong family unit (with little to keep us tied to the UK) & I know we'll muddle through somehow & hopefully when we get stuck, you'll all be around to give us some more advice [:D]

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Good luck to you and your family. Follow your dream-just do your research first.

You will pick up French more when you are living there.Your children will pick it up very quickly.We leave it too late in U.K. not starting languages until secondary  school.

Once again I hope all goes well for you


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