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Fuel cost rebate

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Talking about the cost of fuel for central heating the other day, a friend who has been here years asked me if I had claimed my fuel rebate yet.  Saying I had not heard about this, she said that I should go to the Mairie with the latest fuel bill and proof of residency and I would receive a substantial rebate ( over 100€) on fuel costs.  The rebate is only available for main residences apparently.  Anyone else heard of this? 
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Thanks Clair

Not sure how many Brits wilkl be lining up for this though, if you are an immigrant from the EU and you have just come off an E 106 and claim the fuel rebate because you have no income, or say you haven't,  doesn't that give the Mairie the chance to put you on the next plane back to the UK then?[6]

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