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Micro station d`epuration....what is it?


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I am awaiting Permis de construire in E. Brittany. My fosse etude shows that, as I have granite sub-soil, I have to have a "sable verticale draine " system.

This will be expensive as it means many metres of pipe connecting the new fosse to the 5x4 m. filter bed necessary and then many more metres connecting this to the ditch.

I have seen a web-site which gives (very little technical ) information about a " micro-station d,epuration " fom a company called Klargester.

Does this replace the , very expensive, filter bed ?

Or does it replace both the fosse and the filter bed.....or neither?

Or....what DOES it do and what does it cost ?

and......will it be acceptable to the French as it is different from their traditional solutions ?
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After visiting their informative website I get the impression that their units would replace the septic tank and the 4 metre X 5 metre filter bed.

A visit to the "NEWS" section via the strategically placed tab unfortunately gives only informatuion up to march 2007; so it is difficult to gauge the progress of their range of µSteps in the french agrément lottery organised by "Houdini" Borloo. http://www.klargester.ie/news.htm

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Ive heard many reports that some ,not all, do not have full compliance with the French "Norm" depending as usual here with which departmental SPANC you are involved in.Just tread carefully as when I made similar investigations/quotes after spending potentially trillions of euros,I still had to install a filter bed and there was no gurrantee it would be accepted.


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[quote user="pachapapa"]

After visiting their informative website I get the impression that their units would replace the septic tank and the 4 metre X 5 metre filter bed.

A visit to the "NEWS" section via the strategically placed tab unfortunately gives only informatuion up to march 2007; so it is difficult to gauge the progress of their range of µSteps in the french agrément lottery organised by "Houdini" Borloo. http://www.klargester.ie/news.htm


But then as the french ball game currently stands it is still a pre-treatment, i.e. equivalent to an FTE, requiring a subsequent stage of treatment, i.e. equivalent to a FSVD ( filtre à sable vertical drainé [:)]).

So "actuellement" one can go for a belt and braces approach with a station d'épuration strategically placed between the FTE and the FSVD![:D]

Regarding the agrément procedure on the fast track routing, during February 6 candidates were shipped out to the relevant authority; as yet some 2 months later there has been no response from "Houdini" Borloo's TopHat with White Rabbits Theatrical Productions.  But a "rumeur" is extant that the performance will occur during the summer recess when critics will be distracted by Sex Sand & Sun.

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A self explanatory post lifted from my favourite SPANC Technical Forum; the post is from today at 14:35.

dernières infos en ma possession, 5 dossiers sont partis du CSTB le 5 mars dernier. Comptons les 2 mois de délai réglementaire cela nous donne une sortie la semaine prochaine...! il devrait y avoir publication de 2 sur les 5 très très prochainement. par contre pourquoi que 2, je ne sais pas...
Le Meeddm a reconfirmé lors d'une réunion cette semaine que les délais seraient tenus pour mai (pour les 2 en question du moins).


Klargester...... das ist für mich nicht klar.[:)]
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pachapapa, from a  site meeting I had yesterday with a SPANC technician in dept 47:

"we are all awaiting a determination due out in the summer, but as you probably know, nothing happens in France in July-August, then there is a big meeting in October so they won't say anything until after that, which is Christmas, so tell your clients to wait until  next year, at the earliest before spending any money".

Without going into detail, the non-conforming installation concerned is at a second home on difficult terrain and the clients wanted to sort something out to 'normes' before they do some other work.

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[quote user="broy"]I had a meeting with a spanc technician last year who told me about a big meeting about sept/oct and not to do anything until after that. Dont hold your breath.

The Assises Nationales d'Assainissement Non Collectif are an annual event the 7ème Assises will take place in Nice this year.


Your Spanc Technician was probably referring to the 6ème Assises which did indeed act as a Precursor to a famous Arreté.[:)]

The µStep agréments are subsidiary but essential continuation of the "Houdini" Borloo Farce Productions.

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has anyone actually been able to install anything without the 5 x 4 filterbed...

I spoke to SDE today, in person and they said there are no treatment plants currently passed for installation they are still in testing phase ? am I missing something here ? are we talking about the same thing?.

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Take a look at this site     http://www.wte-ltd.co.uk/septic_tanks_france.html      There is some very useful info on there.

My husband is a builder here in the Charente-Maritime and has now installed 3 Condor sewage treatment plants for different clients.  (sourced from the UK) They do not need a filter bed.  The condor has the appropriate EN number.  The Syndicat des Eaux here said that they could not stop the client installing them but were unable to give the certificate of conformity (at the moment).  However, they did say that they would be fully approved here by the end of the year..........  We wait ..........   Hope this helps

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[quote user="klo"]Take a look at this site     http://www.wte-ltd.co.uk/septic_tanks_france.html      There is some very useful info on there.

My husband is a builder here in the Charente-Maritime and has now installed 3 Condor sewage treatment plants for different clients.  (sourced from the UK) They do not need a filter bed.  The condor has the appropriate EN number.  The Syndicat des Eaux here said that they could not stop the client installing them but were unable to give the certificate of conformity (at the moment).  However, they did say that they would be fully approved here by the end of the year..........  We wait ..........   Hope this helps


Exactly. You  can install them, but they aren't yet 'approved'.

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[quote user="Polly"][quote user="klo"]Take a look at this site     http://www.wte-ltd.co.uk/septic_tanks_france.html      There is some very useful info on there.
My husband is a builder here in the Charente-Maritime and has now installed 3 Condor sewage treatment plants for different clients.  (sourced from the UK) They do not need a filter bed.  The condor has the appropriate EN number.  The Syndicat des Eaux here said that they could not stop the client installing them but were unable to give the certificate of conformity (at the moment).  However, they did say that they would be fully approved here by the end of the year..........  We wait ..........   Hope this helps

Exactly. You  can install them, but they aren't yet 'approved'.

The web page appears to have been "written" in the year 2005 and contains IMHO inaccuracies. The situation currently is that any system using a micro-station  instead of a  filtre à sable is not in conformity; the only system for a reduced area is a zeolite filter bed. The micro-station is currently classified as a fosse toutes eaux, a pre-treatment. In order to be fully compliant it would require the additional installation of a conforming filter bed. Rumour suggests that of the 5/6 micro-systems ascertained by the CSTB and forwarded to the MEEDEF for agrément only THREE are expected to get the agrément required for installation in France in an ANC purpose.

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[quote user="broy"]Go on, name them.
How much does a condor cost?

The famous EN 12566-3 is of  2005 vintage....subject to a 5 year revision.....perhaps Houdini has got something perverse up his sleeve....the subject was broached last year 2009 at Evreux.[:)]

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But whilst pushing µstep publicity on websites, one should not forget the froggy websites which IMHO can be even more amusing. One of my favourites is contained in the website with link below.

A little gem from the "redaction"......

Micro station individuelle  
  C’est la date limite à laquelle votre fosse septique devra faire place à une micro station individuelle aux normes NF et CE.

Passé ce délai, vous serez passible malheureusement d’une amende.



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For info - when we purchased a condor system (in 2009) it was around £2300 sterling.   Not cheap - but you do not have the additional cost of a filter bed and your garden is not destroyed in the process...  (It is also very quick and easy to install - in and working in one day!..)

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£2300 isn't bad especially if it becomes accepted.  The guy that dug my hole said its at least 6k for a standard fosse set up now.

Come on pachapapa, which 3 might be accepted? Did I buy the right one?

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  • 3 months later...
Hi all,

i'm starting to like this forum!

i believe you are refering to the following.


and the french version:


kind regards

Rhum51 :o)

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[quote user="Rhum51"]Hi all,

i'm starting to like this forum!

i believe you are refering to the following.

and the french version:

kind regards
Rhum51 :o)

The versatility of the product is exemplary in the french version. I quote; "afin de se conformer au Code d'usages de l'eau en Colombie".

Which means "in order to comply with the Code of Use for water in Colombia".

Is that just Bogota or does the product comply in the whole of that South American country?

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