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Fosse query again!


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Sorry to post another fosse query, but I've searched and haven't found the information I need. Can someone help me with a simple list of the basic steps in getting a fosse installed.

I know the first step is to get a soil test, and that this is obligatory to determine the type of fosse we need. We've got a couple of names for this so will be arranging that soon.

What comes next? Do we have to submit plans before we start anything? To the Mairie? To SPANC?

We're planning to get someone to install the tank and filter bed for us, so I assume if the answer to the above is yes, we can expect them to provide the necessary plans (and if we pay them more, get them to deal with submitting them, etc).

Once it's all installed, I'm sure we need get an inspection in order to get the appropriate paperwork - again, we'd like to get the installer to arrange this.

Have I got it right? Is there anything I've missed?
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We had a recent mandatory inspection from SIVOM to check out the existing ancient fosse system and were offered two options.

Either repair/update the existing system to a specification advised by the inspector or to fit a new system. We were considering a new system before we were made aware of the inspection visit so chose to go the route of new and told the inspector so. A few days later he wrote with a specification of the type of system that he considered suitable for our soil/location/and future plans.

We asked for clarification of a couple of minor points then with all the printed and verbal info looked for 3 devis (which took a whole lot longer than the system inspection and design).

On speaking with each company after receiving their devis we chose one and then confirmed this with the inspector.

At the end of October we should have a new fosse system installed...

Re the soil testing. Our inspector told us what type of soil we had and that there was no need for a soil test. It came across that he worked and knew the area well enough that testing wasn't required.

Apart from not having experienced any of these procedures before and having to ask extra questions, we found the whole process fairly relaxed with the contractors and inspector working hard to explain the requirements whist also taking our wishes into account.

We received three devis two of which were ' approximatif ' . We spoke to each of the two companies to explain that we wouldn't accept an approximate quote, only a fixed price, at which point one company dropped out. We were under the misapprehension that a devis was always for a fixed job at a fixed amount but not apparently round here.

The only plans that we have seen are the basic drawings issued by SIVOM for the 4 types of fosse systems that they allow, these came with our paperwork pack.

It may be an idea for you to go directly to SIVOM to ask for an inspection, this may cut out some red tape?

Good luck

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The company we used to do the soil test prepared the plans and completed the necessary forms. All forms were passed via the Mairie to the appropriate authorities. The plans need to be approved before the work starts. The final inspection was arranged by the contractor who installed the fosse.

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Thanks for the replies - good to know we can get the soil testers to sort out the plans, etc. Difficult to do it ourselves when we're not there.

I've obviously not got the whole thing right just yet, who is SIVOM? What do they do, and what do SPANC do??
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[quote user="lh"]Thanks for the replies - good to know we can get the soil testers to sort out the plans, etc. Difficult to do it ourselves when we're not there. I've obviously not got the whole thing right just yet, who is SIVOM? What do they do, and what do SPANC do??[/quote]

One of the several administrative associations contemplated in the Fifth Part of the Code General des Collectivités Territoriales.


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