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Calculating the tax to pay on selling a residence secondaire

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It would appear not to automatically give one the benefit of the 7.5% mark up or the 15% augmentation either. What is helpful is the fact that in order to obtain the 10% reductions in the fiscal charges after the 5th year, a year is 365 days, no split years are allowed.



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We went to see the notaire before the Acte de Vente and he looked at all the improvements bills, etc., that we'd paid for during our ownership and offset these and gave us great advice.  While the calculator you recommend gives some figures, I think seeing the notaire and letting his expert eye look at all the bills that you have kept will reduce the tax further - he picked out some bills that we hadn't thought might qualify.  In the end we paid less tax than I had thought we might, due to the allowance of improvement bills.

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Sure it's only for a quick (and perhaps gloomy) estimate.

Don't forget though that for repairs etc. to be counted they hav to have been done by a professional firm, and that there 'factures' are sometimes checked by an independant body.

Renovations you have done yourslef don't normally count.

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