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Retrofitting a second coil to a water heater

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We had solar panels fitted a while back with a 400ltr ballon

I remember asking at the time if we could still use our oil fired boiler to heat the water when the sun isn't around. He said of course we could. Something got lost in the translation as I really wanted to use the oil boiler to heat a 2nd coil (just for backup), the primary coil being the solar panels.

Anyway, only a single coil system was fitted.

Before I go back with a list of questions, does anyone think out there in forum land if this will be possible? I guess if I have to change the carcass of the actual ballon I will be stuffed.

Thanks in advance


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I can't believe there will be any way to convert a single coil tank to dual and proper dual coil tanks are somewhat on the pricey side.

Motorised valves would be a possible solution but a lot would depend on whether you can do it yourself or would have to get the professionals in.

In any case an immersion heater will without doubt be a more efficient prospect than using oil. I installed a 220lt ballon about a year ago and reckon it costs me around €10/mth for virtually unlimited hot water. At today's price I could burn €10 worth of oil in a couple of days and then only have the 90lt the boiler itself holds.

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Not a second coil but there is a gadget I saw at EcoBuild last year, I even remember posting about it on the forum but the search system is quite poor so nothing is coming up. Anyway basically this is a little heat exchanger that sits along side the solar panels and the water tank and it produces hot water at a much quicker rate so its usable almost immediately so saving the need to heat up a large tank but you can if you wish via a valve system. I have the information somewhere but if not Ecobuild is back on at ExCel centre on the 20-22nd March and I am going along so will grab some more information. 

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