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Process to renew lapsed planning permission?


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We have planning permission to build a new garage, which will expire this September.  Finances currently unfortunately do not permit the build at this point in time, so we are wondering what will be involved - and the cost - if we wish to renew the planning permission for a further 2 years.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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This may help - it's the Wikipedia entry for Permis de Construire.

You may not have been aware (since you mention "2 years") that the time limit was extended to three years in Dec 2008. My guess is that your PdC was granted in Sept 2010, so from what you can see below, you've got until Sept 2013. Furthermore you can apply for an extension of the timing provided that you make an application no later than two months before the expiry date. I'm not sure whether that gives you another three years - someone else may know for sure.

As always, I'd strongly advise you to get confirmation of all this from your Mairie next time you're over. 

Durée de validité[modifier]

Depuis le décret du 19 décembre 2008, les permis délivrés à partir du 20 décembre 2008 et avant le 31 décembre 2010 ont une validité de 3 ans (contre 2 ans auparavant) [3]. Le chantier doit donc être commencé avant ce délai. Une prolongation (une fois) du permis de construire peut être demandée au moins deux mois avant la fin de validité. Une demande formulée moins de 2 mois avant la date reste recevable mais il faut que l'administration réponde avant l'expiration du délai de validité du permis. À défaut, le permis devient irrémédiablement caduc.

Le permis est également périmé si, en cours de travaux, le chantier est interrompu pendant plus d'une année consécutive.

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Hi Savoirfair,

Another thing to consider is the two year period is the time you have to start the works. As long as the works are not stopped for longer than a calendar year after started you have a sort of indefinite amount of time to get the project finished.

So if you do not want the hassle of extending permission etc, and it's an option, make a start! (layout plot, peg area, remove soil from area etc)

Just a thought

All the best

Steve Davies

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